QCD: Monday morning
- Radja Boughezal (Argonne National Laboratory)
QCD: Monday afternoon
- Radja Boughezal (Argonne National Laboratory)
QCD: Tuesday morning
- Radja Boughezal (Argonne National Laboratory)
QCD: Tuesday afternoon
- Christopher Lee (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
QCD: Wednesday morning
- Jianwei Qiu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
QCD: Wednesday afternoon
- Christopher Lee (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Fredrick Olness
7/31/17, 10:45 AM
We use nCTEQ15 nPDFs with uncertainties to identify measurements which
have a potential impact on nuclear corrections and flavor
differentiation. In particular, recent LHC W/Z vector boson production
data in proton-lead and lead-lead collisions are quite sensitive to
heavier flavors (especially the strange PDF). This complements the
information from neutrino-DIS data. As the proton flavor...
Carl Schmidt
(Michigan State University)
7/31/17, 11:15 AM
We present recent progress on the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton from the CTEQ-TEA collaboration.
Patrick Barry
(North Carolina State University)
7/31/17, 11:35 AM
The proton is more complex than a collection of three valence quarks. We realize that an abundance of “sea” quarks and gluons is crucial to understanding the mass and internal structure of the proton. The pion is intimately related with the proton as analyses indicate an effective pion cloud exists around the core valence structure. In the Drell-Yan (DY) process, two hadrons (such as protons...
Zack Sullivan
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
7/31/17, 11:55 AM
As active data taking has moved to the LHC at CERN, more and more LHC data have been included into fits of parton distribution functions. An anomaly has arisen where formerly excellent agreement between theoretical predictions and experiment in single-top-quark production at the Tevatron is no longer very good. Is this indicative of a deeper issue?
Xiaohui Liu
(Beijing Normal University)
7/31/17, 1:30 PM
In this talk, I will review the current status of NNLO QCD predictions at the LHC
Ulrich Schubert
(Argonne National Laboratory)
7/31/17, 1:59 PM
The question of how the nucleon’s spin is distributed among the partons is one of the important unsolved problems in physics and has recently received substantial attention from experimental measurements. In order to fully exploit these measurements an accurate theoretical description of the observables is required. The N-jettiness subtraction scheme provides a framework in which the desired...
Varun vaidya
7/31/17, 2:37 PM
We study the transverse momentum spectra of gauge bosons ( Z, $\gamma^*$, Higgs) in PP collisions in the regime of low transverse momentum. We also develop a scheme of resummation allowing us to choose the factorization scale for virtuality in momentum space which is then applied to obtain the transverse momentum spectra for the Drell-Yan and Higgs at NNLL accuracy. Using this scheme, we...
Murray Moinester
(Tel Aviv University)
7/31/17, 2:56 PM
The pion polarizability is of fundamental interest in the low-energy sector of quantum chromodynamics. It is directly linked to the quark-gluon substructure and dynamics of the pion, the lightest bound system of the strong interaction. COMPASS measured the electromagnetic polarizability of the charged pion, which describes the stiffness of the pion against deformation in strong electromagnetic...
Gil Paz
(Wayne State University)
8/1/17, 10:45 AM
In 2010 the proton charge radius was extracted for the first time from muonic hydrogen, a bound state of a muon and a proton. The value obtained was five standard deviations away from the regular hydrogen extraction. Taken at face value, this might be an indication of a new force in nature coupling to muons, but not to electrons. It also forces to reexamine our understanding of the structure...
(Wayne State University)
8/1/17, 11:03 AM
Effective field theories such as Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) and Non Relativistic Quantum Chromo-(Electro-) dynamics NRQCD (NRQED) are indispensable tools for controlling the effects of the strong interaction. The increasing experimental precision requires the knowledge of higher dimensional operators. These operators are important to the evaluation of decay rates of the B-meson. We...
Erik Gustafson
(University of Iowa)
8/1/17, 11:21 AM
We propose an alternative method to perform the z expansion in the B→π l ν decay by using a rational expression that automatically satisfies the constraint imposed by the conservation of angular momentum. This avoids having to impose a constraint on the truncated series. The accuracy of the formulation was checked by fitting the lattice data in conjunction with the experimental data from Belle...
David Brown
(University of Louisville)
8/1/17, 11:39 AM
The BABAR Collaboration has an intensive program studying hadronic cross sections in
low-energy $e^+e^-$ annihilations, which are accessible with data taken near the Upsilon(4S) via initial-state radiation.
Our measurements allow significant improvements in the precision of the
predicted value of the muon anomalous magnetic moment.
These improvements are necessary for shedding light...
Ajaykumar Rai
(Assistant Professor), Mrs
Zalak Shah
(PhD student)
8/1/17, 11:57 AM
$\Omega_{ccc}$, $\Omega_{bbb}$, $\Omega_{ccb}$ and $\Omega_{bbc}$ baryons are considerable theoretical interest in a baryonic analogue of heavy quarkonium because of the color-singlet bound state of three heavy quark (c,b) combination inside ({\it free from light quarks}) \cite{olive}. Regge trajectories are concerned with the mass spectrum of the particles so that the present study exhibits...
Thomas Mehen
(Duke University)
8/1/17, 1:30 PM
This talk will describe new tests of quarkonium production using quarkonia that are produced within jets. We study the distribution in the fraction $z$ of a jet's longitudinal momentum carried by the quarkonium. The $z$ distribution is sensitive to the underlying NRQCD production mechanism. Analytic calculations the $z$ distributions in SCET that incorporate Next-to-Leading-Log (NLL)...
Bryan Fulsom
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
8/1/17, 1:54 PM
Quarkonium is the bound state of a heavy quark and its anti-quark counterpart. The study of this system has experienced a renaissance thanks to results from the e+e- collider experiments, including discoveries of long-predicted conventional quarkonia, and unusual states consisting of four quarks. The Belle Experiment operated at KEK in Japan from 1999-2010. Analysis of the collected data...
Marco Gersabeck
(The University of Manchester),
Philip Ilten
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
8/1/17, 2:18 PM
Heavy flavour production measurements in proton-proton collisions are important tests of QCD.
We report on updated production cross-section measurement of quarkonia, open-charm, and open-beauty states. Other aspects related to the quarkonium production mechanisms, such as the production of charmonium state in jets, will be discussed.
Michael Sokoloff
(University of Cincinnati)
8/1/17, 2:39 PM
We present a high precision measurement of the mass difference between
the $D^*(2010)^+$ and $D^+$ mesons using the decay chain $D^*(2010)^+ \to D^+ \pi^0$, with $D^+ \to K^- \pi^+ \pi^+$ .
The analysis has been performed on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity
of about 477 ${\mathrm{fb}}^{-1}$, collected with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II e+e- collider.
Jhovanny Mejia
(Cinvestav Mexico City)
8/1/17, 2:57 PM
Using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, we performed precise measurements of decay properties of hadrons containing a b quark. The lifetime is a fundamental property of particles and an important observable in heavy hadrons physics. We measured this quantity for various b-hadrons at the precision of the world average. These measurements will allow to test QCD inspired...
Yi Yin
8/2/17, 10:45 AM
Heavy-ion collision experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and Large Hadron Collider (LHC) create QCD matter with temperatures in the trillions of degrees and provide unique opportunities to understand the phase diagram of QCD matter under extreme conditions. The critical point is one of the main features of the phase diagram of strongly interacting quark-gluon matter and...
Or Hen
8/2/17, 11:03 AM
The description of the nuclear interaction in terms of partonic degrees of freedom, and the effect of the nuclear environment on bound nucleons structure functions are two of the main outstanding questions in the study of QCD in nuclear systems. Recent high-energy proton and electron scattering experiments show that short-range interactions between the nucleons form correlated, high-momentum,...
Zhongbo Kang
(University of California Los Angeles)
8/2/17, 11:21 AM
Multiple scatterings of energetic partons inside cold or hot nuclear matter play an important role in the study of the QCD medium in high-energy e+A, p+A, and A+A collisions. They lead to parton energy loss and transverse momentum broadening that are responsible for the well-known jet quenching phenomena. In this talk, we present some of our recent theoretical developments on radiative...
Jorge G. Morfin
8/2/17, 11:39 AM
World data for the F2 structure function for Iron, as measured by multiple charged lepton and neutrino deep inelastic scattering experiments, are compared. Data obtained from charged lepton and neutrino scattering at larger values of x are in remarkably good agreement with a simple invocation of the 18/5 rule, while a discrepancy in the behavior of the data obtained from the different probes...
Francesco Rubbo
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
8/2/17, 11:57 AM
Distinguishing quark-initiated from gluon-initiated jets is useful for many measurements and searches at the LHC. We present a quark-initiated versus gluon-initiated jet tagger from the ATLAS experiment using the number of reconstructed charged particles inside the jet. The measurement of the charged-particle multiplicity inside jets from Run 1 is used to derive uncertainties on the tagger...
Kristian Hahn
(Northwestern Univ.)
8/2/17, 1:30 PM
The sensitivities of Dark Matter (DM) searches at the LHC are rapidly becoming systematics limited. These searches must begin to leverage new methods for controlling systematic uncertainties in order to fully exploit the 300 fb-1 anticipated in Run-2. The most crucial and challenging uncertainties to control are associated with standard model backgrounds, such as $Z(\nu\bar{\nu})+\rm jets$,...
Felix Ringer
(Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
8/2/17, 1:55 PM
We review the treatment of inclusive jets and their substructure within Soft Collinear Effective Theory (SCET). We present a framework that describes the energy distribution of subjets of radius r within a jet of larger radius R. We consider both an inclusive sample of subjets as
well as subjets centered around a predetermined axis, from which the jet shape can be obtained. We consider both...
Keith Pedersen
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
8/2/17, 2:17 PM
Precision physics at the HL-LHC will require novel techniques to distinguish hard QCD from pileup and beam jets (e.g. the identification of hadronic $W^+$ decay for electroweak measurements or boosted top tagging). One scheme is to identify the signature of QCD radiation inside of jets. The high particle-multiplicity of LHC multijets permits fine-grained investigation of the QCD radiation...
Bahareh Roozbahani
(suny Buffalo)
8/2/17, 2:39 PM
We present measurements of CMS jet energy scale (JES) corrections, based on a data sample collected in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The corrections are extracted from the data and simulated events using a combination of several physics channels and methods, and these successively account for the effects of pileup, dependencies of response of jets on transverse...
Jeff Dandoy
(University of Pennsylvania)
8/2/17, 2:57 PM
The proper reconstruction and calibration of jets in ATLAS is crucial for many analyses performing precise measurements or searches for new physics. This talk reviews the derivation of the jet energy scale using 36.1 fb−1 of data collected at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV over 2015 and 2016, as well as recent developments in jet reconstruction and calibration.