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August 8, 2016
US/Eastern timezone


This SpiRIT collaboration meeting will be held at FRIB preceding the Low Energy Community Meeting and the workshop on Software for Time Projection Chambers for Nuclear Physics Experiments. Its main purpose is to discuss the status and future of the SpiRIT Time Projection Chamber (TPC) after the first experimental campaign in Spring 2016 in the RIBF facility (RIKEN, Japan) with the collaborators of the project but also take this opportunity to invite anyone outside of the collaboration to participate. 

Preliminary program
• Overview of the SpiRIT TPC detector
• Scientific program
• Development of the detector and Performances from commissioning experiments
• First experimental campaign
• Data analysis & software (overview)

• Presentations on each ancillary detector of the experimental setup
• Perspectives and future experiments
• Poster session with further details on each subsystem of SpiRIT
• Reception open to participants of the collaboration meeting and of the software workshop

Participants are encouraged to raise other topics related to the SpiRIT TPC, keeping in mind that a dedicated software workshop is following for analysis matters. Please contact the collaboration meeting organizer, Clementine Santamaria, for any suggestions on the program at

For the registration, please use the link in the left menu. The registration deadline is August 1st, 2016. Please register early, especially if you need to reserve housing.

If you need invitation letters for visa or funding purpose, please contact