LArSoft Coordination Meeting

Conjectorium (WH3NE)



Gianluca Petrillo (Fermilab)
ReadyTalk: +1 (866) 740-1260 (U.S. toll free), +1 (303) 248-0285 (U.S. toll number)
Code: 886 7778

At Fermilab:  WH3NE

Present: James Amundson, Vito Di Benedetto, Lynn Garren, Alex Himmel, Thomas Junk, Robert Kutschke, Katherine Lato, Gianluca Petrillo, Brian Rebel, Saba Sehrish, Erica Snider, Hans Wenzel, Tingjun Yang
Remote: David Adams, Gleb Sinev

Release and project report [Erica Snider]

  • some LArSoft releases were considered "production" by some experiments, but not marked as such
  • as described in art stakeholders meeting, deprecated art features are
  • v06_10_00_rc2 (release candidate) will include fixes to LArG4 to work with Geant4 10.2
  • [Saba Sehrish] planning to develop the for_each_associated_group() pattern using Range-v3 library


  • please experiments verify that all their LArSoft "production" releases are known by the LArSoft team as such
  • need feedback about current Ubuntu users, and whether the plan to switch support from Ubuntu 14 to Ubuntu 16 (LTS) when the transition to GCC 6 happens (driven by art) is acceptable
  • [David Adams] BNL wants to update to Ubuntu 16

CI operations report [Vito Di Benedetto]

  • is the DUNE CI test workflow the correct one?
  • [Tingjun Yang] the current workflow is for DUNE 35t prototype, we should move to the Far Detector one
  • IFDH client preliminar tests are failing, but they are using a beta release rather than an official package
    • [Lynn Garren] work is being done to address remaining issues
  • the slicer problem in LArIAT may be related to a behaviour change in art
  • [Tingjun Yang] LArIAT would appreciate some guidance in how to address this type of problem


  • will meet with DUNE representatives to define a new workflow
  • need to coordinate the communication between art experts and LArIAT about the file output name rule features

LArG4 support project report [Hans Wenzel]

  • prepared LArG4 to use Geant4 10.2
  • optical photon process allows Geant4 to generate photons without spelling them out individually
  • [Alex Himmel] we use to ignore Cerenkov light [Hans Wenzel] that is still possible by disabling the pertinent physics process
  • the adoption of artg4tk would allow an easier interface to simulate the beam line and "auxiliary" detectors

Modularization of DetSim and DataPrep [David Adams]

  • modularised the signal simulation into a main framework module plugging in components at run-time
  • components can also select sub-components at run time
  • [Brian Rebel] what is the difference between a "tool" and an algorithm? [A] tools can be discovered and invoked by the framework
  • [Erica Snider] the "tool" concept is somewhere in art road map


  • Geometry support needs to be completed (issue #9264)
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:15
      Release and project report 15m
      Speaker: Dr Erica Snider (Fermilab)
    • 09:15 09:25
      CI operations report 10m
      Speaker: Dr Vito Di Benedetto (Fermilab)
    • 09:25 09:40
      LArG4 support project report 15m
      Speakers: Dr Hans Wenzel (Fermilab), Dr Krzysztof Genser (Fermilab)
    • 09:40 10:10
      Modularization of DetSim and DataPrep 30m
      Speaker: David Adams (BNL)