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10–13 Jan 2017
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone

Electronic tuning with dielectrics

13 Jan 2017, 09:30
LVOC - Yosemite Room (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

LVOC - Yosemite Room

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Daniel Bowring (Fermilab)


Axion searches above ~1 GHz will employ multiple resonators locked to the same frequency. Fine tuning of individual resonators may be accomplished using thin films of strontium titanate (STO) and related materials, whose dielectic strength can be varied through DC voltage bias. We have developed a method to evaluate these films using coplanar waveguide resonators. We will discuss the asssessment of the resonator system and films at room temperature and at cryogenic temperatures.

Primary author

Daniel Bowring (Fermilab)


Alvin Tollestrup (FNAL) Dr Andrew Sonnenschein (Fermilab) Prof. Shashank Priya (Virginia Tech) Sreenivasulu Gollapudi (Virginia Tech)

Presentation materials