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10–13 Jan 2017
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone

The Electric Tiger Experiment: a Proof-of-Concept for the Periodic Dielectric Loaded Resonator

11 Jan 2017, 14:00
LVOC - Yosemite Room (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

LVOC - Yosemite Room

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Benjamin Phillips (University of Washington)


The Electric Tiger experiment is a resonant cavity for the detection of axions in the 4-5 GHz range. The cavity uses a first-of-its-kind detection method – dielectric media placed at regularly spaced intervals within the cavity. Such a search method allows for the construction of a simple tuning mechanism and a wide range of frequencies that can be searched with a single cavity. The tuning and mode identifications/tracking techniques developed by this experiment are translatable to open resonator axion searches that are suitable for very high frequency ranges ( > 10 GHz ).

Primary author

Benjamin Phillips (University of Washington)

Presentation materials