9–10 Feb 2017
US/Central timezone
Upon request of the Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics, Fermilab is organizing a preparatory workshop to discuss and develop a multi-year roadmap for the Superconducting RF research and development, which is sponsored by OHEP as a part of the "RF Acceleration Technology" thrust of the General Accelerator R&D portfolio. The workshop will take place at Fermilab on Feb 9-10, 2017. The organizing committee includes Alex Romanenko (chair), Anna Grassellino, Slava Yakovlev, and Sergey Belomestnykh. The workshop will be structured with few working groups that will focus on different aspects of SRF R&D: • WG1:Transformational routes of high potential impact for achievable accelerating gradients and Q o Please contact WG1 chair (A. Romanenko, aroman@fnal.gov) for suggestions on topics. • WG2:Evolutionary development directions with impact on accelerating gradients, Q, performance and cost reduction of SRF accelerators o Please contact WG2 chair (A. Grassellino, annag@fnal.gov) for suggestions on topics. • WG3: Ancillaries (couplers,tuners,HOMs) and power sources o Please contact WG3 chair (V. Yakovlev, yakovlev@fnal.gov) for suggestions on topics. Please submit suggestions on topics by January 9, 2017. The WG conveners will follow up with requests for preparatory work, which will help in guiding the workshop discussions. The working groups will ultimately identify key milestones and research thrusts that will be used to construct a “future of SRF” roadmap with the primary goal to enable future science facilities for discovery in particle physics. Potential synergies with other branches of the DOE Office of Science will be also discussed. A preparatory workshop to develop a Normal Conducting RF technology R&D roadmap is being convened in parallel at SLAC, and the results from these two workshops will be presented in unison to the OHEP.
Link to pictures of the workshop participants day 1 and 2, including tours and group pictures can be found at: http://vms.fnal.gov/asset?search-term=17-0012&submit=Go&search-category%5B%5D=Photography http://vms.fnal.gov/asset?search-term=17-0013&submit=Go&search-category%5B%5D=Photography