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Jun 5 – 6, 2017
Fermilab, Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

Multi-channel analyses for future neutrino oscillation experiments.

Jun 6, 2017, 12:15 PM
One West (Fermilab, Wilson Hall)

One West

Fermilab, Wilson Hall

Oral Presentation Long Baseline Neutrino Program


Dr Dennis Steve (University of Liverpool)


Neutrino physics is entering the liquid argon era, and these experiments offer large statistics with excellent reconstruction abilities. The wealth of information available opens new opportunities to break degenaracies between different sources of systematic uncertainty by simultaneously fitting samples selected for different final state topologies. At near detectors, use of many such samples can pin down specific interaction model and flux uncertainties, while for far detectors smaller numbers of fitted topologies can be used to separate event types with better and worse neutrino energy resolution, optimising oscillation sensitivity.Neutrino physics is entering the liquid argon era, and these experiments offer large statistics with excellent reconstruction abilities. The wealth of information available opens new opportunities to break degenaracies between different sources of systematic uncertainty by simultaneously fitting samples selected for different final state topologies. At near detectors, use of many such samples can pin down specific interaction model and flux uncertainties, while for far detectors smaller numbers of fitted topologies can be used to separate event types with better and worse neutrino energy resolution, optimising oscillation sensitivity.

Primary author

Dr Dennis Steve (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials