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5–6 Jun 2017
Fermilab, Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

Search for Heavy Resonancs Decaying to diHiggs Pairs in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV

6 Jun 2017, 14:00
One West (Fermilab, Wilson Hall)

One West

Fermilab, Wilson Hall

Oral Presentation Collider Physics


Michael Krohn (University of Colorado Boulder)


A search for heavy resonances decaying into pairs of standard model Higgs bosons is performed using 35.9 $\text{fb}^{-1}$ of data collected by the CMS experiment during 2016 at a center of mass energy of 13 TeV. The final state consists of both Higgs bosons decaying to b quark-antiquark pairs. Results are consistent with the Standard Model expectations and are interpreted as upper limits on the production cross sections of narrow bulk gravitons and scalar radions in warped extradimensional models.

Primary author

Michael Krohn (University of Colorado Boulder)

Presentation materials