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23 March 2017
US/Eastern timezone


Radiation. Nuclear fission. Frequency hopping. 

Three outstanding pioneers represent the achievements of women in the field of science and technology: The double Nobel Price winner and discoverer of radioactivity Marie Curie (1867-1934), the Austrian-Swedish nuclear physicist Lise Meitner (1878-1968) and the Viennese Hollywood actress Hedy Lamarr (1914-2000) with the invention of frequency hopping.

Incidents of their lives, achievements and impediments as well as the contents of their research and the passion for their work are in the centre of the theater play "Curie_Meitner_Lamarr_indivisible“, produced of the Viennese association portraittheater. Illustrated with music and videos with three girls the performance shows within 95 minutes an entertaining portrait of extraordinary women in history. The successful theater performance, directed by Sandra Schüddekopf, with Anita Zieher impersonating the three women had already been invited to Belgium, Germany, Iran, Poland, Switzerland (CERN) and Romania.

YouTube Trailer

Prior to the presentation, a tour of the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory will be available. When you register, please indicate whether you will participate in the laboratory tour (available to the first 50 individuals to sign up). If you plan to attend the tour, please be sure to review the tour information website (a required permission form for minors is linked to this site).

Please note that while there is no fee for this event, registration is required and you must pick up your tickets prior to the show (only a limited number of tickets will be available the day of the event). See event details for more information. 

Dates: 23 March 2017 (16:30-21:00)
Timezone: US/Eastern
Location: NSCL/FRIB
640 S. Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48824
Room: Auditorium/Lecture Hall

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Other partners: MSU Office of the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, MSU WorkLife Office, the Drew Science Program, and the MSU Diversity Programs Office