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September 11, 2017 to October 6, 2017
Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA Saclay
Europe/Paris timezone
Please register for the program DarkMod

Scientific Program

Scientific Program

During the weeks 1, 2 and 4, there will be typically 2-3 lectures and/or 1 discussion/talk per day. There will be ample time for discussions to favour new collaborations. During the week 3, there will be a one-week conference, on dark energy and modified gravity.

Although the focus may slightly vary with the week, the program remains centered on the dark-energy and modified-gravity issues. To facilitate collaborations and discussions between nearby topics, from observations to theory, we encourage participants to attend the workshop for 2 weeks.

Weeks 1 and 2 will take place at IAS - Orsay University (building 209F)
Weeks 3 and 4 will take place at IPhT - CEA Saclay.

Key workshop participants

L. Amendola

R. Ansari

A. Barreira

N. Bartolo

E. Bellini

D. Blas

Ph. Brax

C. Burrage

S. Clesse

P. Creminelli

R. Durrer

D. Elbaz

P. Ferreira

L. Heisenberg

K. Koyama

B. Li

M. Liguori

L. Lombriser

C. Marinoni

D. Mota

J. Neveu

T. Nishimichi

N. Nunes

N. Palanque-Delabrouille

V. Pettorino

M. Pierre

V. Ruhlmann-Kleider

E. Saridakis

I. Sawicki

F. Schmidt

S. Sibiryakov

P. Valageas

C. van de Bruck

A. Vikman

H. Winther


E. Babichev

M. Betoule

A. Blanchard

C. Charmousis

A. C. Davis

C. Deffayet

M. Kilbinger

D. Langlois

E. Puchwein

J. Rich

A. Tolley

F. Vernizzi