Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

31 May 2017 to 1 June 2017
US/Central timezone
The High Power Targetry R&D Roadmap for High Energy Physics Workshop is focused upon plotting the course for the HPT R&D activities necessary for supporting the future global High Energy Physics experimental program. A draft workshop charge is below. Please join us as we discuss the targetry challenges of the long-term HEP program, the R&D routes necessary to meet those challenges, and develop a useful R&D roadmap to guide near-term activities.

Workshop Charge: Identify the required and most beneficial High Power Targetry (HPT) R&D routes and associated key milestones, considering the needs, objectives, and timeline of the HEP experimental program as recommended in the 2014 P5 report. The resulting HPT R&D for HEP “roadmap” should plot the course that is suitable for HPT R&D GARD (General Accelerator Research and Development) activities for the next ten years while supporting the objectives of HEP projects in the 10 – 30 year time frame. Synergies with other branches of the DOE Office of Science should be identified and evaluated for potential benefits.

A link to the 2014 P5 report (Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel) is included in the background materials below.
Workshop Administrative Staff:
Marilyn Franck (
Cara Kachel (