Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for a brief server restart on Friday Jan 24th at 5PM CST. The downtime will be 15min at most.

May 31, 2017 to June 1, 2017
US/Central timezone

Scientific Program

The workshop is structured in three serial sessions:

Session 1: Future HPT Facilities Requirements

Presentations and discussions to determine the HEP experimental program High Power Targetry requirements (including requirements for targets, beam dumps, collimators, collectors (horns), beam windows, and similar components). Projects to be evaluated are expected to align with the 2014 P5 report.

Session 2: HPT R&D Methods & Routes

Presentations and discussions to identify the R&D activities needed to meet the challenges that the identified HPT requirements represent. This is expected to include radiation damage and thermal shock studies, exploration of novel materials and concepts, and radiation protection/remote handling challenges.

Session 3: HPT R&D for HEP Roadmap Development

Discussion to construct a draft roadmap including milestones and potential decision points that support the HEP experimental program.

The result of the workshop will be a report that presents the HPT R&D Roadmap for HEP to be used as input for an upcoming DOE HEP-GARD High Power Targetry Research Roadmap Workshop.