Collect a list of non-prioritized goals for detector development (R&D and construction) across the lab, across divisions and frontiers aimed as input for the next Snowmass/P5 process (~2020)
Detector development at the lab is science driven, and for the most part project driven, but some "blue sky" ideas should be included if we have them
Alongside the goals we need to list needs for facilities and technical expertise at the lab
The timescale for all of these should be for the next ~15-20 years
Neutrino Frontier
Midterm: three main experimental areas are:
NOvA: currently taking data, not much R&D
DUNE: data taking to start in ~2026, need to build 4 FD modules, and a ND
SBN: data taking to start in ~2018
Longterm: very strong DUNE component; beyond that we need physics input from above experiments
Neutrino factory for precision measurements?
Go to lower energies for super nova neutrino studies?
Precision measurements of unitarity in neutrinos?
LAr detector development (for 2nd, 3rd, 4th DUNE FD, ND, and also SBN):
novel photon detection systems including VUV and NIR light collection, adding TPB coated foils, adding dopants to the argon, ARAPUCA
HV feedthroughs
Improving ionization readout techniques (testing electronics, gain within the liquid, dual phase tests)
Additional LArIAT needs: pixel readout, gain in liquid
Magnetizing the LAr volume
LAr TPC may not be optimal in very intense beam, potential option for gaseous argon TPC for ND
Longterm detector R&D needs:
Magnetizing LArTPC for DUNE
Identify charged-current tau neutrino interactions: very far away, very big, very good position resolution --> emulsion blocks? other technologies?
Need to talk about DAQ challenges, very high data volume
Neutrinoless double-beta decay: very low effort at Fermilab right now
Lab space for production likely not an issue: ND does not need that much space and can be phased
Lab space for R&D: adding third cryostat to PAB, will want one more
Not clear yet what comes after DUNE, will need info from DUNE data
Light collection system for DUNE still pretty primitive; lots of space for improvement, very important for low energy part of physics program. Need more connection with electronics group; also new materials are important; new infrastructure needed for that.
Energy Frontier
Nearterm: HL-LHC, detector technologies well defined
Challenges are high PU, high radiation environment, large data throughput and strong data reduction needs
At Fermilab:
Outer Tracker upgrade: module assembly (complex double
layer, pixels & strips, input to track trigger), radhard optical links
Tracker Trigger: R&D, AM-based, one of three options in CMS
Pixels: sensor (small pixels, edgeless) and ASIC R&D (in RD53
with ATLAS)
HGCal: silicon-based high granularity forward calorimeter
(sensor design, FE electronics, cooling, cassette assembly)
Had calo: radhard scintillatorand photodetection R&D
Fast Timing layer: LGAD Si sensors, ps-timing electronics, R&D
and construction
Lepton collider: e+e-, Higgs factory (250-500 GeV)
Central tracker: high momentum resolution, excellent secondary vertex reco
Calorimetry: very high energy resolution
Muon system: hermetic, small punch through, high momentum resolution
Occupancy and radiation: relatively low interaction rate, no issues with triggering; challenging forward region due to radiation of electrons
Hadron collider: pp, next energy frontier (14-100 TeV)
Central tracker needs to preserve momentum resolution for ~10x higher momentum tracks compared to LHC
Calorimetry: no major issues?
Muon system: muons are showering and become "electron-like" due to larger g factor, momentum resolution challenge
Occupancy and radiation doses not much worse than at HL-LHC
Some detector R&D needs:
ASICs and sensors: few-nm architecture, 3D-silicon, CMOS technology, monolithic sensors, 8" wafers, in-house bump bonding and wafer processing and dicing
Other semiconductor materials, i.e. diamonds, Ga?
New materials for support structures and cables, i.e. carbon nano tubes, graphene, ?
New scintillators and fiber materials
Maybe new (to FNAL) technologies, e.g. Micro Pattern Gas Detectors, ?
On-site testbeam facility crucial, in-site irradiation facility would be fantastic
Regarding irradiation facility: strong support among detector developers in room, but need to make a strong case for directorate as AD is very much against it.
Cosmic Frontier
Nearterm future:
LZ: DM, noble liquids, start data taking in 2019
superCDMS: DM, sub-K, start data taking in 2020
ADMX: DM, sub-K, running now until beyond 2020
extension of ADMX: DM, sub-K, 2 LDRDs ongoing
pico-500: DM, very small FNAL role?
SENSEI: DM, Si detectors, LDRD now, could grow in coming year
NEXUS: DM, sub-K, detector calibration/testing facility for DM ideas (NuMI tunnel)
DESI: DE, Si detectors, start data taking ~2019
SPT-3G: CMB, sub-K, running now, some upgrades planned
Longterm future: depends on outcome of G2 (for DM)
several tons bubble chamber: DM, investigate different targets
several kg single electron threshold experiments: DM, Si detectors or sub-K
directional detection ideas (gas detectors, graphene): DM
quantum detectors: DM, sub-K
high density - low resolution spectroscopy: DE, MKIDs (LDRD), sub-K, prisms
high resolution - low density spectroscopy: DE, billion object aparatus, superDESI, Si detectors, high density fiber positioning
21cm survey: DE, ?
CMB-S4: CMB, sub-K
Sub-K expertise is becoming more important; there is a need for a more efficient sub-K detector facility (maybe inside IERC?); in addition to NEXUS (low background underground sub-K cleanroom)
In addition to large integration lab space there is a need for smaller testing lab space
Keep a healthy diversity to be ready for future, small R&D. Have done a lot of this in the past and it has paid off, e.g. PICO, DarkSide, DAMIC.
Need to define what we mean with cryogenic facility: different ADRs and Dil Fridges for different needs, arrange as users facility
What is the potential of sub-K detector technology for the next 10-20 years to have impact on other fields, such as intensity or energy frontiers?
Precision Frontier
Future ideas:
g-2: negative muon run
Mu2e-II: with PIP-II and different target
REDTOP: eta factory
Proton EDM
TEDSE: Transfigured Electron Double Slit Experiment
DM search using lepton beams
Mu2e-II detector R&D:
ultra low mass, high rate tracker (~0.1% resolution on 100MeV/c tracks, peak rates 1MHz/cm2
ultra thin straw tracker (~8 micron thick): challenges concerning ageing, sag under tension, leak rate, etc.
solid state photo sensors for BaF2 calorimeter with ~20krad dose expected
SiPM for cosmic ray veto expected to be limited by neutron dose, aim to sustain >10^11 n/cm2 (1MeV neutron equivalent)
Development of >100kW production target
high throughput triggerless DAQ
Discussion on detector needs will come at their next meeting on 4/20
Draft of (unsorted) goals and questions
Broadcast better funding opportunities, facilities and technical expertise inside the lab, and also to other labs and universities for better collaboration. Are we happy with current scheme of LDRD and KA25?
Detector developers need to have strong input for IERC design phase (~now). List of needed facilities at IERC and elsewhere at the lab:
Clean rooms (class?, size?, underground)
Cryogenic facilities (CO2 plants, ADRs, Dil Fridges, ?)
Cryogenic teststands at PAB (and in testbeam?): third one being installed soon, more needed
Wirebonders, in-house bump bonding?
Precision meterology
Special meterials, thin films, scintillator extrusion, more need for Chemists, Material Scientists?
Testbeam facility crucial
Irradiation facility (at MTA) would be very desirable
X-ray irradiation facility
PREP needs modernization of electronics and DAQ (network enabled, plug-and-play)
Better communication with AD and TD about instrumentation, facilities and technical expertise
ASICs and sensors: few-nm architecture, 3D-silicon, CMOS technology, monolithic sensors, 8" wafers, in-house bump bonding and wafer processing and dicing
Other semiconductor materials, i.e. diamonds, Ga?
New materials for support structures and cables, i.e. carbon nano tubes, graphene, ?
New scintillators and fiber materials
Maybe new (to FNAL) technologies, e.g. Micro Pattern Gas Detectors, ?
Sub-K expertise is becoming more important; there is a need for a more efficient sub-K detector facility (maybe inside IERC?); in addition to NEXUS (low background underground sub-K cleanroom)
In addition to large integration lab space there is a need for smaller testing lab space
Keep a healthy diversity to be ready for future, small R&D. Have done a lot of this in the past and it has paid off, e.g. PICO, DarkSide, DAMIC.
ultra low mass, high rate tracker (~0.1% resolution on 100MeV/c tracks, peak rates 1MHz/cm2
ultra thin straw tracker (~8 micron thick): challenges concerning ageing, sag under tension, leak rate, etc.
solid state photo sensors for BaF2 calorimeter with ~20krad dose expected
SiPM for cosmic ray veto expected to be limited by neutron dose, aim to sustain >10^11 n/cm2 (1MeV neutron equivalent)
Development of >100kW production target
high throughput triggerless DAQ
Should we talk about education? Maybe a standing EDIT organization committee?
Collaboration with industry?
How do we get the 3M back from the SBN?
Need to make sure ASIC group is being kept alive (and expanded) with continuous projects from different frontiers. The same for DAQ and electronics needs.
Can the ASIC group help with modernizing PREP?
Would we need a new facility for COLDATA ASIC testing?
Would be good to collaborate with Bern group on pixelated readout of LArTPC.
ECA awards would be great to get recent ASIC PhDs to start working on new ideas.
How do we solve the age proble of the detector expert community? Need to attract and educate young people for continuity and bright new ideas. E.g. Thin Film facility is critical.
Strengthen further our unique skillset of capabilities of packaging, smallest and largest scales, including ASICs, plus full system integration including DAQ.
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