AD Weekly Friday - 2017 Scheduling Meeting/Weekly Summary

Curia II (Wilson Hall)

Curia II

Wilson Hall

Weekly Scheduling, Planning and Status 
Performance Plots
Meetings will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week.
AD Weekly Friday - 2017 Scheduling Meeting/Weekly Summary (19 May 2017)

Crew Chief

  • See slide.
  • No Report.
  • See Slides
Main Injector & Recycler
  • See Slides.
  • Known water leak on V118. (choke)
NuMI Experiments
  • Still some power outage discovery/cleanup.
Booster Neutrino
  • Discussion concerning BNB rate.
BNB Experiments
  • Steve Hahn reporting. ANNIE primary user. Microboone cryo issues. PMT test in progress.
Muon Rings
  • See slides. (weekend plans yet to be determined.)
  • Chiller problem earlier this week. Filters being changed.
SY120, Neutrino Muon, Meson Test, Meson Center
  • F2 heat ex connected to hydrant. MS2 water level to be made up. Swic 220 had a mouse problem.
SY120 Experiments
  • Seaquest is doing OK. Lariet as of Wednesday is down for two weeks to change wire planes.
  • Cave enclosure placedin supervised access mode on Tuesday when area became ODH-1. 300 Mev line Beryllium window passed pressure test. LCW system truned off in prep for electrical panel work. Chiller motor making loud grinding noise. Chiller down now for motor replacement. Booster pumps for ??? skid should be installed Monday.
PIP-II Injector Test
  • {an excellent report provided via email!} The status of the PIP2IT is that we continue our installation of the MEBT. We have the last components we need to complete the installation. Alignment is mostly complete and electricians are running cables. At Meson cavity 111 processing is going very slowly; we have only achieved about half the necessary gradient and we see very high levels of field emission. A meeting to evaluate the results so far will happen this afternoon.
  • (inaudible report) Much work apparently accomplished.
  • Nothing to report.
  • CMTF is cold. G minus 2 MiCom compressor trip. MTA cold & running. NML/FAST Micom compressor running. Meson Orange system issue. Started Brown compressor, tripped on ground fault. Started Yellow compressor, water valve issue. Cryo NOT responsible for low outside temperature.
  • Nothing to report.
EE Support
  • Replaced R:LAM52 PS. MI30 Lower VCB discussion. (need to replace ~ 1 hr.)
  • Nothing to report.
Mechanical & Fluids
  • MI-40 pump failure due to low water level. Will review alarms. MI8 air dryer may need replacement MP7 pump installed. MTA chiller filters, line clogged. Debunchers hose leak repair/felx hose repair needed.
  • #12 buss work installed. #17 bias supply replacement. BFLLRF issue this morning. RRRF #2 sparking investigation.
  • Nothing to report.
Summer Shutdown 2017
  • Still no official schedule for start of shutdown. Hoping for new schedule next Wednesday.
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