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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

6–7 Nov 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

By spring of 2018, we will converge on the conceptual design that the DUNE collaboration intends to take forward. This workshop is part of this process.
A t this moment, we have settled on a hybrid option with a liquid-argon TPC without a magnetic field followed by a magnetized spectrometer with a relative low-mass tracker surrounded with elctromagentic calorimeter and muon detectors. The low-mass tracker can be either a straw-tube tracker or a gaseous-argon TPC. This meeting will focus on the options of the magnet, comparison of the performance between the low-mass tracking options, electromagentic calorimeters, and gain better understanding of the scientifc potenial of the 3-d scintillator detector and the PRISM concept in DUNE. The goal is to gather additional information for further narrowing the phase space for defining the final conceptual design of the near-detector system.
The meeting is open to existing DUNE collaborators and any potential new collaborators with an interest in participating in the design, planning and construction of the DUNE near detector system.

06.11 Council Chamber, 07.11 Room Charpak