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TARGET Students Computing Class 2017/3

WH8X Hornet's Nest (Fermilab)

WH8X Hornet's Nest


Marco Mambelli (Fermilab)
Computing/Programming class for TARGET 2017 interns
These 6 classes will be every Wednesdays afternoon, 1:15p to 4p, starting 6/28.
The first 5 classes will teach some notions about computing, the basics of Python programming, show how computing is used at Fermilab and allow some time to work on a Python project.
During the last day, on 8/2, the students will present their projects.

Presentations are attached to the Indico event
The Python Class material is available online:

Class Instructors:
  • Marco Mambelli (Fermilab)
  • Thomas Hein (UIC/Fermilab)
Links to Indico events for all the classes:
    • 13:15 13:45
      Programming Styles and Objects 30m
      Speaker: Marco Mambelli (Fermilab)
    • 13:45 14:30
      Python Lesson - Part 3 45m
      Check the material and the Jupiter notebook in the folder with your name
      Speaker: Mr Thomas Hein (Fermilab)
      Python Notebook
    • 14:30 15:00
      Python Hands On - Part 3 30m
    • 15:00 16:00
      The MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time-Projection Chamber Virtual Reality Demonstrator 1h
      The MicroBooNE experiment is the largest Liquid Argon Time-Projection Chamber (TPC) in North America and has been taking data in the Booster Neutrino Beam for the last 20 months. The experiment is searching for evidence of a new fourth neutrino in muon-neutrino oscillations along with studying neutrino interactions in argon atoms. The DUNE experiment has chosen Liquid Argon TPCs to study long-baseline neutrino oscillations in an effort to understand the origin of neutrino mass and the matter-anitmatter asymmetry present throughout the universe. The studies conducted by the MicroBooNE experiment will help to define the performance and sensitivity of the DUNE experiment. The demo will allow users to step inside the MicroBooNE detector and witness simulated neutrino interactions using the Oculus Rift equipment and software.
      Speaker: Dr Michael Kirby (FNAL)