David Ritchie
11/05/2008, 18:15
Experiences with implementing Aperture VIEW for the Fermilab Computing Division are described with an emphasis on those features which foster organization collaboration. Future plans to implement the companion product Aperture VISTA (which manages Computer Rooms and Data Centers) are discussed.
Cory Lueninghoener
(Argonne National Lab)
11/05/2008, 18:15
Large-scale high performance computing (HPC) systems pose special problems to system administrators, particularly with respect to configuration management. These systems function at a scale larger than typical environments, run with synchronized workloads, and must be treated in a hands-off manner when jobs are running. Coupled with the need to keep compute systems as uniform as possible,...
Mark Kaletka
Vicky White
12/05/2008, 08:30
Ruth Pordes
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
12/05/2008, 08:45
The Open Science Grid Consortium's mission is to provide an open,
collaborative eco-system in support of scientific research in the US.
The Consortium provides a shared distributed high throughput
computational facility serving a broad range of Virtual Organizations,
supported by a common set of software technologies. The OSG project is
funded jointly by the DOE SciDAC-2 program and the...
Chad DeGuira
12/05/2008, 11:00
Deploying an operating system to a single computer occurs many times in its lifetime. The processes to do so can be time consuming, requiring significant technical knowledge. Deployment integration, built in to any business model, streamlines operations, standardizes settings, improves productivity, and decreases support costs significantly. Today, deployment is more than putting an image...
Paige Stafford
12/05/2008, 11:00
ORNL’s Network Access Control manager (NACmgr) was developed to enforce ORNL network policies and perform network compliance checking. NACmgr uses Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to poll all the switches and routers on the network for active hosts every five minutes. It then joins information from other systems, such as network registration, harvested Dynamic Host Configuration...
Brian Sedlacek
12/05/2008, 11:00
In the past several years, the need for UNIX System Administrators at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has significantly increased. There have been several causes for this including but not limited to:
1) Various flavors of Linux have become very popular with LANL scientists and they have moved from Windows and Macintosh platforms to Linux.
2) With the significant advances in...
Samuel Jones
(Sandia National Laboratories)
12/05/2008, 11:00
Sandia decided to deploy Credant Mobile Guardian in response to the tri-lab laptop protection policy published in August 2007. The presenter would like to share why the product was selected, the trials and tribulations associated with its deployment, and our future plans to deploy to other platforms.
Marcia Teckenbrock
12/05/2008, 11:45
InDiCo (Integrated Digital Conference) is a web application developed at CERN (and supported at FNAL and CERN) for scheduling events.
The software allows a user to schedule events, from simple talks to complex
conferences with many sessions and contributions.
The software provides many user delegation features. It also provides mechanisms for reviewing papers, conference material...
Dan Pulsifer
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
12/05/2008, 11:45
The Software Distribution site is a Web-based software and license management system developed through a collaboration between the IT and Engineering Divisions. This system enables end-users to download free software as well as purchase licenses for common applications, transfer licenses among co-workers or workstations, and track their own licenses for historical purposes. This is done...
Shelly Bird
12/05/2008, 11:45
FDCC is designed to provide a single, standard, enterprise-wide managed environment for desktops and laptops running a Microsoft Windows operating system.
Michael Lee
12/05/2008, 11:45
Collaboration Tools
DOE sites must walk a fine line between being good citizens of global scientific research communities and high-security locations entrusted with sensitive information. In this talk I introduce two Web-based tools that have been developed to meet LANL's security requirements while allowing collaboration with external colleagues.
The first tool is a Web form processing tool to deliver...
Kate Rivera
(Sandia National Laboratories)
12/05/2008, 13:30
This presentation is a case study on how Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Applications hold the key to strategic customer intimacy and portfolio management.
Traditionally, CRM tools are used to organize customer information under a variety of functional services. They allow organizations to create an integrated view of the customer and use this information to coordinate...
Roman Selever
12/05/2008, 13:30
Over a year after the release of Windows Vista and with the much needed release of Service Pack 1, stability has greatly been improved over the original release. In addition, Microsoft has updated and improved their deployment tools, such as the WAIK and the Microsoft Deployment toolkit, so that we are able to better prepare and streamline our deployment processes.
In this presentation...
Troy Dawson
12/05/2008, 13:30
What is Scientific Linux? When should you use it? When should you not use it? How can it fit into your Enterprise Linux strategy?
James McDonald
(Sandia National Labs)
12/05/2008, 13:30
Collaboration Tools
Windows streaming applications offer the promise of making user’s environment more portable and robust. With this promise in mind Sandia started a small project to test Streaming Applications. The two primary technologies tested were App Stream and Soft Grid from Microsoft. The presentation will talk about features, implementation, lessons learned and overall impression with the products.
Brian Sebby
(Argonne National Laboratory)
12/05/2008, 14:15
As spam has evolved, simple regular expressions to look for "spammy" content in email messages are no longer sufficient. Systems administrators now require much more sophisticated techniques to combat the ever-increasing flood. This talk is not a tutorial for implementing a single anti-spam solution, but will cover a broad spectrum of anti-spam technologies at all layers of an SMTP session. ...
John Davenport
12/05/2008, 14:15
Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance
Records Management and Information Technology Management: A Necessary Collaboration in Complying With the Department's A-130 Requirements.
OMB Circular A-130, Management of Federal Information Resources, requires agencies to (among other things ) take an integrated approach to managing information throughout its life cycle, collect only that information needed to perform agency functions,...
Tina Overby
12/05/2008, 14:15
IT University was initially created to help the Information Technology Services Division staff learn the new Microsoft technologies that were soon to be offered to ORNL. IT University had some success with the training by offering one hour lunch and learns as well as creating a SharePoint site with numerous web resources. While this was a good start, there were some problems with the way the...
Ahmad Douglas
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
12/05/2008, 15:30
"Green" Computing
The complex-wide stakes for secure classified computing have been forever raised. The Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration have increased their oversight of the National Laboratories' information technology operations. Scrutiny from the news media and the general public is at an all-time high. Most importantly, we must continue to improve our cyber defenses...
Clark Piercy
12/05/2008, 15:30
The Defense in Depth (DID) project has been underway at ORNL for over a year with many changes both technically and procedurally to the IT environment at ORNL. Several of those changes involved the Network infrastructure. This presentation will provide an update to a presentation made at NLIT 2007. It will focus on network level enhancements put in place to meet Network Segregation...
Don Reed
12/05/2008, 15:30
NREL’s backup solution for workstation PC’s using Atempo Livebackup and Nexsan ATABeast. Backups are automated, continual and cone over the network for any workstation PC’s. Primary computers being backed up have critical data or applications and computers with complex configurations. Backup configuration allows for grouped or individual settings for the type of data being backed up and...
Stan Hall
12/05/2008, 16:15
Open discussion regarding timelines for labs to rollout Vista, Office 2007 and implement FDCC
Andrew Gehring
12/05/2008, 16:15
NREL has been using Lucent QIP as its IP management system for last ten years. Licensing costs, usability and manageability has long been an issue with the product. We are in the process of replacing the Lucent QIP system with an appliance-based IP management system from BlueCat Networks. BlueCat Networks developed this secure DNS and DHCP solution to solve several problems faced by today’s...
Heather Robideau
12/05/2008, 16:15
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has developed and implemented the use of a database-backed web application to capture, track, and prioritize estimates of future system usage for all of its supercomputers, compute clusters, and visualization systems. It is called HERT (meaning HPC Estimations & Requirements Tool) and was built to facilitate the achievement of the best possible fair-share...
Becky Verastegui
Scott Studham
13/05/2008, 08:45
Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance
Over the last 12 months IT@ORNL has deployed: Portals, blogs, IM, VOIP, desktop video conferencing, 3GB inboxes, visual search engines, mapping software, executive dashboards, expertise location and a lot of chaos. While reducing IT costs. The presentation will be live demonstrations of how the integrated technology environment is transforming the business of ORNL. A summary of lessons...
Don Mendonsa
13/05/2008, 11:00
My presentation will be about how to have an measured approach to virtualization. I will discuss basic steps to virtualizing any environment. From defining a scope of work all the way to production operations. I will cover all the high level steps in between as to what elements of an environment to perform analysis on. What analytical tools or services are available. Organizational...
William Claycomb
(Sandia National Labs)
13/05/2008, 11:00
Many large corporations, and many national labs, face increasing challenges related to data access and security. As more applications become integrated with existing data stores, the need to access user and computer account information has grown. Sometimes this information includes personal information or other sensitive components, making data protection and access control two critical...
John Ammon
(Idaho National Laboratory)
13/05/2008, 11:45
Desktop Management in Information Technologies at the Idaho National Lab needed a better method of testing new software, hardware, configurations, policies and practices. A test lab was designed and built to help improve the capability of Desktop Management to do this testing, considering such capabilities as remote access, VLANing, system & application virtualization, focusing on standards...
Anil Karmel
13/05/2008, 11:45
Based on my presentation at VMworld 2007 last year, I will discuss IS&T division's VMware implementation from a Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity perspective. We implemented one of the largest & most successful VMware deployments in the complex, achieving ROI in just 9 months while protecting critical business systems. Come learn how LANL protects both its’ physical and virtual assets...
David Salbego
(Argonne National Laboratory)
13/05/2008, 11:45
Argonne National Laboratory has implemented a laboratory-wide portal that provides centralized access to key administrative applications and employs certificates for authentication. This portal relies on an infrastructure comprising Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft Certificate Services, Sun Microsystems Java Enterprise Suite, and open-source software. The capabilities of the Microsoft,...
Bob Beane
Sheila Causby
13/05/2008, 13:30
The ORNL IT helpdesk operation and staff have been consolidated in a centralized group. During this time, we have installed a new helpdesk software application, incorporated ITIL framework elements, expanded service to 24x7 and implemented many new operating procedures and services. We will discuss the approach taken to the centralization effort, challenges, customer expectations, lessons...
Sheila Cisko
13/05/2008, 13:30
Fermilab utilizes a number of technologies and services to facilitate communication between globally dispersed collaborations. Video, audio and web conferencing systems are commonly used in conference rooms and on user desktops. For national laboratories and their collaborating institutes popular services for connecting multiple locations are Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), Enabling Virtual...
Adam Stone
13/05/2008, 13:30
Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance
Scientific collaboration is a worldwide enterprise, crossing institutional boundaries - yet our notions of identity tend to be firmly grounded in who pays our salaries. At the same time, initiatives like HSPD-12 tend to focus on identity for members of a specific class (government), but lack the ability to work across institutional domains. New technologies like Shibboleth and OpenID, and...
Robert Morrow
(Nevada Test Site)
13/05/2008, 13:30
Buzz around server virtualization has been growing in the industry for the past couple years. In 2005 National Security Technologies (Nevada Test Site) deployed Vmware ESX in to reduce the cost of purchasing servers leading to a shift in how we now do business within IT. While fulfilling on the promise of reducing cost and making us “green” it has made its mark well beyond the fundamentally...
Mark Dietrich
13/05/2008, 13:30
Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance
Budgets are being slashed throughout the DOE complex. Labs are faced with reductions in IT support costs, which can lead to significant degradations in service delivery.
At LLNL, we are undertaking several restructuring and cost-reduction initiatives that will reduce the impact of cost reductions and not degrade services as severely. Some of these initiatives include centralized...
Randy Jaramillo
13/05/2008, 13:30
Shared Diskless image, how to do more with less, restore to original state with a single reboot. Sandia has begun a project to research the feasibility of a read-only windows environment. The project targets kiosk machines and classroom environments. Presentation will cover research, current implementation, and ongoing support.
Dean Williams
(Sandia National Laboratories)
13/05/2008, 14:15
In August 2007, Sandia National Laboratories/CA changed its staffing model for desktop computing services from FTEs and Staff Augmentation (Staff Aug) to a Procurement Staff Aug contract. This move more closely aligned with the service model used at Sandia National Laboratories/NM. A description of the drivers and reasons for making this change, and the benefits and concerns of implementing...
Chris Casillas
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
13/05/2008, 14:15
Software Virtualization is the technology that packages and distributes software into a single EXE, executed on a host PC without installation or changes to the local desktop's registry and file system. Software Virtualization will reduce cost and time of software deployment. Enable new software to be deployed faster. Increase IT responsiveness in making changes and updating applications. ...
John Ammon
(Idaho National Laboratory)
13/05/2008, 14:15
Computer Security Tools (unclassified)
INL has recently undergone efforts in the employment of better protection of Sensitive Unclassified Information (SUI) data at the laboratory. One of the tools used in this arsenal of protection is encryption. This presentation will talk about the different encryption methodologies that help protect data at the INL from unauthorized access or loss. Discussion will focus on past, present and...
Thane Price
(Idaho National Laboratory)
13/05/2008, 14:15
ITIL and ISO20000 Experiences
The Idaho National Laboratory has embarked on Service Management by hiring IT Business Representatives and following the ITIL framework for improving business processes. Come see what progress is being made and what has been done.
Kevin Cooke
Robert Gettings
Sue Dudek
13/05/2008, 15:30
The Department of Energy spends approximately $2.2 billion annually on information technology. In the past, each Program Office, field office, site office, and major facility operating (M&O) contractor pursued their own software acquisitions, resulting in a fragmented set of contracts for the same products, services, and capabilities. In order to leverage the buying power of the entire DOE...
Jeremy Baca
(Sandia Labs)
13/05/2008, 15:30
Computer Security Tools (unclassified)
Data encryption is becoming more and more important as we rely on E-mail, mobile computing and Blackberrys to move sensitive data around the labs and the world. Sandia National Laboratories is one of 7 DOE PKI CA sites and provides Entrust services to over 6,200 users and looking to expand that to over 10,000. Sandia is currently using Entrust Desktop Solutions (EDS) 7 and planning to migrate...
Debbie Montano
(Force10 Networks)
13/05/2008, 15:30
"Green" Computing
Optimizing the overall power efficiency of high performance computing and data centers requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on technologies and strategies to minimize power consumption and maximize power efficiency at every level within the infrastructure, including CPU chips, power supplies, servers, storage devices, and networking equipment. In addition to measures that maximize...
Andrew Ambabo
13/05/2008, 15:30
Bio: Andy Ambabo (pron. Am-bay-bo) has been involved with information technology at Sandia National Laboratories for 16 years. Andy is currently a Project Manager for the Computer Support Operations organization at Sandia.
Abstract: Many organizations are caught between the threat of cyber security vulnerabilities and the lack of resources needed to manage the risk. At Sandia, every line...
Leslie Cantrell
(Sandia National Laboratories)
13/05/2008, 15:30
Today’s spam and its effect on lab security:
The increasing maliciousness of hackers coupled with the cleverness of spammers to bypass spam filters and penetrate our networks with viruses and malware is a problem demanding acute attention. Recent incidents of virus and malware attacks have been severe enough for some DOE facilities to have lost domain controllers and data and been forced to...
William Claycomb
(Sandia National Labs)
13/05/2008, 16:15
Sandia National Laboratories Infrastructure Computing Systems and Services Departments provide corporate file storage to all Sandia user accounts. This service is known as the Sandia Data Storage Service (SDSS). Users are allocated a certain amount of disk space automatically, and then charged a fee for additional space as needed. Requests for additional data space are managed via a...
Barbara Jennings
13/05/2008, 16:15
In the information age businesses use terms such as Information Technology and Management of Information Systems, to identify a variety of technology based services that incorporate computer based information systems. Management of information is vital to the operation of an organization, and essentially becomes a capital asset for the organization. However, this simple idea is not so simple...
Eric Silberman
(OnPoint Corporation)
13/05/2008, 16:15
This talk will address the who, what, how, when, where, and why of integrating security into the systems development life cycle.
Suzanne Willoughby
13/05/2008, 16:15
Tracking and Training Staff with Privileged Access
The question of who has privileged access to computer and network devices is a frequently asked. In order to comply with DOE and ORNL Cyber requirements, ORNL has made some improvements this year in tracking and training these staff to include:
• Roles implemented within SAP that identified system administrators
• Training...
Chuck Powers
(National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
14/05/2008, 08:45
NREL is building two new facilities that will contain data centers. This presentation discusses NREL plans and strategies for using best practices, emerging technologies and NREL innovation to build data centers to live within LEEDs Platinum certified buildings.
With over 25 years in Information Technology (IT), Chuck Powers brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his role at the...
Kent Linsenmann
(Idaho National Laboratory)
14/05/2008, 11:00
The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has recently completed a multiyear Disaster Recovery (DR) project to ensure rapid recovery in the event of natural disasters, catastrophic hardware failures, or unforeseen events requiring near immediate resumption of service.
The INL identified a DR location 50 miles from the Idaho Falls production data center which is located at the INL high mountain...
Jimmy Devenport
14/05/2008, 11:00
Computer Security Tools (unclassified)
The Linux operating system is an increasingly popular solution for both server and workstation computing. Los Alamos National Laboratory has developed a flexible set of tools that end users and system administrators can use to secure Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Our security approach is comprised of several flexible tools:
The LANL Security Tool On Red Hat (LANL-STOR) which performs secure...
Sue Wolfe
(Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
14/05/2008, 11:00
Abstract: Pens; set of 100: $79. Paper notebooks; set of 100: $159. Franklin Day Planner Refill; set of 100: $2,000 - $5,000. Franklin Day Planner non-refill; set of 100: $8,000 - $10,000. PC Tablet with MS OneNote and Outlook: Priceless.
In today’s climate of becoming “greener” and focusing on cost savings and efficiency, PC Tablets, when used to their full potential, can help us...
Alex Kent
14/05/2008, 11:00
Modern distance visualization and terminal services technologies allow for ultra-thin terminal access to rich computing environments. By concentrating all storage and processing in highly-secured areas and limiting access to only human interaction protocols, we can mitigate many insider threats that most secure computing environments ignore yet maintain robust usability. In fiscal year 2007,...
Jon Homer
(Idaho National Laboratory)
14/05/2008, 11:00
Computer Security Tools (unclassified)
Vulnerability identification and remediation represents a fine art in the arena of computer security. Discover how the INL has approached scanning, reconciliation, notification, lifecycle tracking, closure, and reporting. We’ll briefly touch on the automation of patching, as well as the resulting impact on business processes and policy. We’ll discuss how we handle non-standard configurations...
Roy Nielsen
14/05/2008, 11:00
Ten thousand dollars. The approximate direct cost of an incident.
Some estimates of IT related security incidents can be ten times that.
VPP is an business architecture and third party verification for safety
that has proven to reduce incidents by fifty percent. Cyber, physical and
social engineering security for our organization is just as important to
an organization.
Emerson Blue
14/05/2008, 11:45
The Brocade Data Center Fabric (DCF) Architecture is an architectural foundation and evolutionary strategy for designing, building, and managing enterprise data centers. A critical advanced technology integrated into the data center fabric is Brocade's adaptive networking. Adaptive networking services will become essential as evolving data center fabrics collapse server-to-storage,...
Stacy Austin
14/05/2008, 11:45
A map is a map, right? Wrong. When paired with geographical information system (GIS) technology and detailed location information, the lowly map can become a strategic tool in the safe and efficient management of a large campus. That is what Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) accomplished with the development of the Map Information Tool, a one-stop, GIS-based, Web-accessible system...
David Etue
(Fidelis Security)
14/05/2008, 11:45
Computer Security Tools (unclassified)
Bio: David Etue, Vice President of Product Management and Senior Security Strategist. Mr. Etue brings years of experience at early-stage and mature companies to his role at Fidelis Security Systems. Mr. Etue holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Finance from the University of Delaware.
Abstract: Don't want your Agency's classified information sent to Taiwan? OPSEC...
Carlos Cunningham
14/05/2008, 11:45
Learn how Oak Ridge National Laboratory uses Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) to maintain Microsoft Windows and Office updates, reduce IT cost with remote desktop, enforce configuration standards, leverage SCCM reporting, application and operating system deployment. This session will cover ORNL’s migration from SMS 2003 to SCCM 2007 and will discuss and demonstrate some of...
Roy Nielsen
14/05/2008, 11:45