Brian Sedlacek
In the past several years, the need for UNIX System Administrators at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has significantly increased. There have been several causes for this including but not limited to:
1) Various flavors of Linux have become very popular with LANL scientists and they have moved from Windows and Macintosh platforms to Linux.
2) With the significant advances in several Linux distributions, many users no longer require Windows or Macintosh to perform their job and have chosen to move to a more scientific OS.
3) In October 2007, LANL moved to a new funding model for Desktop Support that meant that most basic support comes from the Computer, Telecommunications and Networking (CTN) Division.
1. Since CTN had been unable to hire anybody for over a year, we have been hiring technicians from other organizations at LANL.
2. Now that CTN is expected to provide support for these organizations, we must come up with new ways to fill in remaining holes.
4) Several very good Linux system administrators have left LANL over the last few years due to retirement and/or uncertainty about the future of LANL.
Linux Academy is CTN's method of developing the next generation of Linux System Administrators at LANL.
Primary author
Brian Sedlacek