Alex Kent
Modern distance visualization and terminal services technologies allow for ultra-thin terminal access to rich computing environments. By concentrating all storage and processing in highly-secured areas and limiting access to only human interaction protocols, we can mitigate many insider threats that most secure computing environments ignore yet maintain robust usability. In fiscal year 2007, Los Alamos National Laboratory successfully demonstrated this concept in its Super Vault Type Room (S-VTR) prototype. Demonstrating a synergistic partnership of cyber security and physical security, the S-VTR effectively enables a secure and flexible environment to deploy ultra-thin diskless systems without physical distance limitations.
This platform additionally serves as a platform for future technology delivery and security necessities. Much like the safety deposit box concept at banks, the S-VTR provides consistent, professional management at reduced costs while still allowing appropriate, stratified security control. LANL is now working toward building two new S-VTRs that will redundantly contain nearly all of LANL's classified computing and storage, at all classification levels.
Primary author
Alex Kent