Stacy Austin
A map is a map, right? Wrong. When paired with geographical information system (GIS) technology and detailed location information, the lowly map can become a strategic tool in the safe and efficient management of a large campus. That is what Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) accomplished with the development of the Map Information Tool, a one-stop, GIS-based, Web-accessible system that provides facility and space information to staff and visitors to PNNL, including safeguards and security personnel and first responders. Known as MIT, the new program was created from readily available technologies and is virtually maintenance-free.
Easy and immediate availability of business-critical location-related information in a single place reduces reliance upon printed documentation, mitigates the risk of outdated or untimely information in emergency situations, and provides easy access to other space-related information.
MIT directly aligns to PNNL’s institutional strategy - management and operations excellence - and significantly enables achievement of the lab’s strategic goal to "demonstrate cost-effective operational, financial, and organizational management of the lab to enable research." A key element of that goal is the safety and protection of people, equipment and the environment.
Primary author
Stacy Austin