Jimmy Devenport
The Linux operating system is an increasingly popular solution for both server and workstation computing. Los Alamos National Laboratory has developed a flexible set of tools that end users and system administrators can use to secure Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Our security approach is comprised of several flexible tools:
The LANL Security Tool On Red Hat (LANL-STOR) which performs secure host configuration.
The LANL Red Hat Update Server providing tested package updates from a local source.
The LANL ExpressWay Red Hat network installation tool.
These tools are fully integrated into our network based installer (ExpressWay) yet flexible enough to be applied to pre-installed systems or systems installed from Red Hat supplied media.
This talk will concentrate on the LANL-STOR secure configuration tool. We will discuss:
Requirements generation from source documents to working tool.
The architecture of LANL-STOR and how it has been designed to work on all classes of Red Hat systems from laptops to servers.
How LANL-STOR integrates with the installation tool and RHNSS server.
New features added to support compliance reporting.
Primary author
David Kennel
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)