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11–14 May 2008
Hyatt Regency Chicago
US/Central timezone

Mitigate the Risks of Data Leakage

14 May 2008, 11:45
Columbus H (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

Columbus H

Hyatt Regency Chicago

151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois, USA 60601
Computer Security Tools (unclassified) Wednesday Breakout 5


David Etue (Fidelis Security)


Bio: David Etue, Vice President of Product Management and Senior Security Strategist. Mr. Etue brings years of experience at early-stage and mature companies to his role at Fidelis Security Systems. Mr. Etue holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Finance from the University of Delaware. Abstract: Don't want your Agency's classified information sent to Taiwan? OPSEC data leaving your network over peer-to-peer technology? Is it possible to have sensitive (or worse) data leave with a contractor or lab employee? As the rate of internal security breaches continues to rise, pressure is mounting to mitigate the risks of data leakage to protect your Agency's personally identifiable information (PII), confidential information and digital assets. The leakage of privacy-sensitive personal information has been shown to have negative consequences on an organization. To protect such information, organization must put policies and tools in place to stop information from data leakage. In this presentation, methods for identifying this information will be analyzed in order to understand the resource and cost impact of various methods. Presentation attendees will gain a better understanding of the issue of data leakage, along with understanding the routes available for addressing this issue. Agency best practices and current technology solutions will be presented. Attendee participation and Q&A will be a large part of the presentation - come prepared with your hard questions!

Primary authors

David Etue (Fidelis Security) Robert Deitz (Government Technology Solutions)

Presentation materials