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11–14 May 2008
Hyatt Regency Chicago
US/Central timezone

Security-Conscious Web-Based Collaboration Tools

12 May 2008, 11:45
Columbus I-L (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

Columbus I-L

Hyatt Regency Chicago

151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois, USA 60601
Collaboration Tools Monday Breakout 6


Michael Lee (LANL)


DOE sites must walk a fine line between being good citizens of global scientific research communities and high-security locations entrusted with sensitive information. In this talk I introduce two Web-based tools that have been developed to meet LANL's security requirements while allowing collaboration with external colleagues. The first tool is a Web form processing tool to deliver Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from public Web forms into LANL's protected intranet. This tool grew out of a need to minimize the vulnerability of data stored on public web servers, while allowing institutional Web sites to receive their necessary data from external collaborators. The second tool is a Web-based file transfer service recently launched at LANL. With our increasingly strict e-mail screening policies and other restrictions, users require an easy-to-use alternative to e-mail attachments for transferring files to both internal and external colleagues. In addition to describing the overall design of these collaboration tools and how they mesh with other Internet Services at LANL, I hope to discover how others are using the Web at their sites to encourage scientific collaboration.

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