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11–14 May 2008
Hyatt Regency Chicago
US/Central timezone

Virtual Directory Services and Synchronization

13 May 2008, 11:00
Columbus E-F (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

Columbus E-F

Hyatt Regency Chicago

151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois, USA 60601
Presentation Showcasing Open Source Applications Tuesday Breakout 3


William Claycomb (Sandia National Labs)


Many large corporations, and many national labs, face increasing challenges related to data access and security. As more applications become integrated with existing data stores, the need to access user and computer account information has grown. Sometimes this information includes personal information or other sensitive components, making data protection and access control two critical aspects to consider when implementing data provider solutions. Additionally, the desire to streamline data access and improve access response times has increased pressure on system administrators to deliver secure and robust data delivery systems. Sandia Labs has addressed these challenges with an integrated solution which provides secure and robust data access, implemented as Virtual Directories, and delivers synchronized directory information to users through the use of Directory Synchronization Services. A virtual directory is a directory data source, accessed using LDAP, which does not actually contain the information presented to the client, but rather presents the data from an underlying data source (another LDAP directory, a database, or a combination of both). Using virtual directories, Sandia opens directory information access to various applications, limiting the content shared to specific data needed by each individual application. This not only protects the information in the directory, but eliminates the need to duplicate subsets of data into customized directory services.

Primary author

William Claycomb (Sandia National Labs)

Presentation materials