11–14 May 2008
Hyatt Regency Chicago
US/Central timezone

Vista and Office 2007/2008 Plans at LLNL

12 May 2008, 14:15
Columbus E-F (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

Columbus E-F

Hyatt Regency Chicago

151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois, USA 60601


Mark Dietrich (LLNL)


Vista is passing through the maturity and hype cycle into a more stable meadow, especially with the release of SP1. Office 2007 has been out for a while, but multi-platform business units have been slow to adopt in fear of alienating their Mac users. Office 2008 for the Mac is finally released, paving the way for a new Office deployment. Is it truly the green light? And what about Vista still? Across the DOE complex, Labs are examining the Vista/Office issues and deciding what to do. This presentation will explain the what and why behind LLNL’s plans for Vista and Office. Viewers of this presentation will gain insight into the business decisions behind a major rollout at a large Lab, and acquire some tools that we’re employing for analysis and decision-making.

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Presentation materials