Sue Wolfe
(Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
14/05/2008, 11:00
Abstract: Pens; set of 100: $79. Paper notebooks; set of 100: $159. Franklin Day Planner Refill; set of 100: $2,000 - $5,000. Franklin Day Planner non-refill; set of 100: $8,000 - $10,000. PC Tablet with MS OneNote and Outlook: Priceless.
In today’s climate of becoming “greener” and focusing on cost savings and efficiency, PC Tablets, when used to their full potential, can help us...
Stacy Austin
14/05/2008, 11:45
A map is a map, right? Wrong. When paired with geographical information system (GIS) technology and detailed location information, the lowly map can become a strategic tool in the safe and efficient management of a large campus. That is what Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) accomplished with the development of the Map Information Tool, a one-stop, GIS-based, Web-accessible system...