Connie Begovich
13/05/2008, 11:00
Collaboration Tools
Bio: Connie Begovich has worked in IT at ORNL for more years that she cares to admit. Since last summer, she has been working on a special team that was chartered to learn the .NET environment and to develop and standardize ways to incorporate ORNL web applications/information into SharePoint. Previous to that, she worked on the ORNL SAP team.
Abstract: ORNL has chosen SharePoint as their...
Dennis Depp
13/05/2008, 11:45
Collaboration Tools
Since ORNL deployed Live Communications Services (LCS) 2005 in the summer of 2006, we have been looking for an economical way to integrate Microsoft products with our Lucent 5ESS phone switch. This battle involved contractors, consultants, Exchange 2007, LCS 2005, Office Communications Services (OCS) 2007, Dialogic, and a host of sales reps. This talk will be a discussion of the past 18...
Sheila Cisko
13/05/2008, 13:30
Fermilab utilizes a number of technologies and services to facilitate communication between globally dispersed collaborations. Video, audio and web conferencing systems are commonly used in conference rooms and on user desktops. For national laboratories and their collaborating institutes popular services for connecting multiple locations are Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), Enabling Virtual...
Rick Bradshaw
13/05/2008, 14:15
ITIL and ISO20000 Experiences
In many envionments, administration is shared among several administrators, split along functional areas. This process is most pronounced in computer-science research environments, where users must possess administrative privileges in order to perform their research. This arrangement is problematic, at best. Researchers are often poorly versed in site security policies and large scale...
Leslie Cantrell
(Sandia National Laboratories)
13/05/2008, 15:30
Today’s spam and its effect on lab security:
The increasing maliciousness of hackers coupled with the cleverness of spammers to bypass spam filters and penetrate our networks with viruses and malware is a problem demanding acute attention. Recent incidents of virus and malware attacks have been severe enough for some DOE facilities to have lost domain controllers and data and been forced to...
William Claycomb
(Sandia National Labs)
13/05/2008, 16:15
Showcasing Open Source Applications
Sandia National Laboratories Infrastructure Computing Systems and Services Departments provide corporate file storage to all Sandia user accounts. This service is known as the Sandia Data Storage Service (SDSS). Users are allocated a certain amount of disk space automatically, and then charged a fee for additional space as needed. Requests for additional data space are managed via a...