William Claycomb
(Sandia National Labs)
13/05/2008, 11:00
Showcasing Open Source Applications
Many large corporations, and many national labs, face increasing challenges related to data access and security. As more applications become integrated with existing data stores, the need to access user and computer account information has grown. Sometimes this information includes personal information or other sensitive components, making data protection and access control two critical...
David Salbego
(Argonne National Laboratory)
13/05/2008, 11:45
Argonne National Laboratory has implemented a laboratory-wide portal that provides centralized access to key administrative applications and employs certificates for authentication. This portal relies on an infrastructure comprising Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft Certificate Services, Sun Microsystems Java Enterprise Suite, and open-source software. The capabilities of the Microsoft,...
Adam Stone
13/05/2008, 13:30
Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance
Scientific collaboration is a worldwide enterprise, crossing institutional boundaries - yet our notions of identity tend to be firmly grounded in who pays our salaries. At the same time, initiatives like HSPD-12 tend to focus on identity for members of a specific class (government), but lack the ability to work across institutional domains. New technologies like Shibboleth and OpenID, and...
John Ammon
(Idaho National Laboratory)
13/05/2008, 14:15
Computer Security Tools (unclassified)
INL has recently undergone efforts in the employment of better protection of Sensitive Unclassified Information (SUI) data at the laboratory. One of the tools used in this arsenal of protection is encryption. This presentation will talk about the different encryption methodologies that help protect data at the INL from unauthorized access or loss. Discussion will focus on past, present and...
Jeremy Baca
(Sandia Labs)
13/05/2008, 15:30
Computer Security Tools (unclassified)
Data encryption is becoming more and more important as we rely on E-mail, mobile computing and Blackberrys to move sensitive data around the labs and the world. Sandia National Laboratories is one of 7 DOE PKI CA sites and provides Entrust services to over 6,200 users and looking to expand that to over 10,000. Sandia is currently using Entrust Desktop Solutions (EDS) 7 and planning to migrate...
Suzanne Willoughby
13/05/2008, 16:15
Computer Security Tools (unclassified)
Tracking and Training Staff with Privileged Access
The question of who has privileged access to computer and network devices is a frequently asked. In order to comply with DOE and ORNL Cyber requirements, ORNL has made some improvements this year in tracking and training these staff to include:
• Roles implemented within SAP that identified system administrators
• Training...