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21–25 May 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Studies of 7Li(α,γ)11B at ν-process energies

23 May 2018, 14:30
contributed talk Session M3


Ms Gwenaelle Gilardy (Notre dame University)


At the end of its life, a massive star can collapse into a proto-neutron star leading to a supernovae explosion. The neutrino flux released during the collapse and the explosion is so significant that the probability of a neutrino interacting with a nucleus can actually influence the nucleosynthesis, the so-called ν-process. The ν-process is believed to explain the origins of light element, especially the one of $^{11}B$, which is not fully understood. It has been proposed as a candidate for its production in core collapse supernovae. Neutrino triggered reaction lead to the production of (^11)B via the reaction $^7Li(α,γ)^{11}B$. The cross section of $^7Li(α,γ)^{11}B$ is then critical to estimate the contribution of the ν-process to $^{11}B$ abundance, constraining at the same time the ν-process. This reaction was recently studied at Notre Dame in the range of energy relevant to the ν-process and the result of this experiment will be presented.

Primary author

Ms Gwenaelle Gilardy (Notre dame University)


Mr Christopher Seymour (Notre Dame University) Dr Edward Lamere (University of Massachusset Lowell) Dr Joachim Gorres (Notre Dame University) Mr Kevin Howard (Notre Dame University) Dr Kevin Macon (Notre Dame University) Prof. Manoel Couder (Notre Dame University) Mr Michael Skulsky (Notre Dame University) Prof. Michael Wiescher (Notre Dame University) Dr Richard DeBoer (Notre Dame University)

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