23–26 Sep 2008
Fermilab, Batavia, IL
US/Central timezone

Status of the CMS Pixel Detector

23 Sep 2008, 09:00
One West (Fermilab, Batavia, IL)

One West

Fermilab, Batavia, IL


Dr Danek kotlinski (PSI)


After 10 years of design and construction the CMS pixel detector has been installed and commissioned. The pixel detector which has two parts, barrel layers and forward disks, consists of 66M pixels of 100um*150um size. The detector installation, commissioning and the results of the detector testing will be presented. We will show the basic electronic parameters of the detector like noise, threshold and signal linearity. The data quality will be illustrated by showing the pixel response uniformity and the number of dead channels.
Some preliminary performance numbers like charge collection and cluster multiplicity will be presented. The technological choices made during the detector design will be reviewed and the problems encountered during the final construction process will be discussed.

Presentation materials