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OSG Blueprint Meeting - Resource Provisioning





In this Blueprint Meeting, we plan to examine long-term OSG needs and opportunities in resource provisioning. We will discuss how the area has evolved since the adoption of the current solutions and identify any capability gaps that have arisen.


The meeting will be hosted at FNAL; plan is to start at 10am and last until the end of day (5PM, possibly sooner depending on traffic and weather conditions for those traveling).

Unlike the meetings at the Big 10, we will not have catering for coffee breaks and will utilize the on-site cafeteria for lunch and breaks (participants will be on their own for lunch).

Meeting rooms:

  • Morning: PPD/ Sunset-WH11SW - Wilson Hall 11th fl South West
  • Afternoon: PPD/ Hornets Nest-WH8X- Wilson Hall 8th fl Crossover

Zoom URL:


An OSG Blueprint is used to do a deep exploration on a particular topic area (in this case, it is to understand recent progress and work in compute resource provisioning beyond the traditional approaches used by PanDA and glideinWMS).  The blueprint meeting tends to be inward looking - how OSG should view or thinking about topic XYZ?, typically less than 5 people, but in 2018 we've been trying to incorporate outside experts to help provide different vantage points.  For this meeting, we're hoping to have contributions from VC3, glideinWMS, HEPCloud, and Harvester.

We try to focus on improving our understanding of a topic: an intellectual exercise, not a planning one.  A typical non-goal of a Blueprint is to do any planning of future activities on the topic.

To prepare for the meeting, we've begun to gather a list of relevant questions we want to explore and answer from the point of view of the different projects.  The morning will be more structured than usual - we'd like to hear from each project about their research activities to better understand how they compare and contrast.

The afternoon will switch to be less structured, allowing in-depth discussion of the topics gathered in the morning.

  • Anthony Tiradani
  • Benedikt Riedel
  • Benjamin Tovar
  • Brian Bockelman
  • Brian Lin
  • Doug Benjamin
  • Douglas Thain
  • Jeff Dost
  • Marco Mambelli
  • Matco Mascheroni
  • Miron Livny
  • Parag Mhashilkar
  • Pavlo Svirin
  • Robert Gardner
    • 10:00 10:30
      Introduction / Day Outline 30m
    • 10:30 11:00
      glideinWMS 30m
      Speaker: Mr Parag Mhashilkar (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
    • 11:00 11:30
      VC3 30m
      Speaker: Robert Gardner (University of Chicago)
      Blueprint questions
    • 11:30 12:00
      Harvester 30m
      Speaker: Doug Benjamin (Duke University)
    • 12:00 12:30
      HEPCloud 30m
      Speakers: Mr Anthony Tiradani (Fermilab), Dr Burt Holzman (FNAL)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 30m
    • 14:00 16:00
      Discussion 2h