6:30 PM
Search for Large Extra Dimensionsand Compositeness in μ+μ-and e+e-channelsin proton-proton collisionsatsqrt(s)=13 TeV in CMS
Prakash Thapa
(Wayne State University)
6:30 PM
Long Baseline Sterile Neutrino Search in the NOvA Experiment
Sijith Edayath
6:30 PM
SPT-3G: A New Instrument to Measure the Cosmic Microwave Background
Joshua Sobrin
(The University of Chicago - KICP)
6:30 PM
Status of the Inclusive Electron and Muon Neutrino Charged-Current Cross-Section Measurements in the NOvA Near Detector
Shih-kai Lin
6:30 PM
Updated MiniBooNE Neutrino Oscillation Results within the Context of Global Fits to Short-Baseline Neutrino Data
Alejandro Diaz
(Graduate Student at MIT)
6:30 PM
NOvA Muon Disappearance Results 2018
Dmitrii Torbunov
6:30 PM
Measurement of suppression for J/ψ and ψ’ productions at E906/SeaQuest experiment
Catherine Ayuso
6:30 PM
Study of Reconstructed Ar-39 Beta Decays in the MicroBooNE LArTPC
Alexander Flesher
6:30 PM
First measurement of oscillation parameters with neutrino and antineutrino beam in NOvA
Reddy pratap Gandrajula
(Michigan State University)
6:30 PM
Completing the CMS HCAL Endcap Phase 1 Upgrade
Caleb Smith
6:30 PM
Strong Lensing Cosmology in the Era of Astronomically Big Data
Jason Poh
(University of Chicago)
6:30 PM
ANNIE: Phase I Physics Results and Phase II Upgrade Plans
Emrah Tiras
(Iowa State University)
6:30 PM
Hunting Muon Neutrinos in MicroBooNE With Deep Learning Techniques
Jarrett Moon
6:30 PM
Measuring Transverse Momentum Imbalance in Minerva's Nuclear Targets
Jeffrey Kleykamp
(University of Rochester)
6:30 PM
The Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction Experiment
Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
6:30 PM
Systematic Uncertainties for MicroBooNE's Deep-Learning-Based Low-Energy Excess Analysis
Lauren Yates
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
6:30 PM
Extraction of the Muon Momentum Distribution by using Fast Rotation Analysis in the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment
Meghna Bhattacharya
6:30 PM
Measurement of Neutrino Flux from Neutrino-Electron Elastic Scattering
Deepika Jena
6:30 PM
Towards a Measurement of Longitudinal Electron Diffusion in the MicroBooNE LArTPC
Andrew Mogan
(University of Tennessee - Knoxville)
6:30 PM
Detector Calibration using through going and stopping muons in the MicroBooNE LArTPC
Varuna Crishan Meddage
(KSU, Microboone)
6:30 PM
The Fermilab muon g-2 straw tracking detectors
Tabitha Halewood-leagas
6:30 PM
Precision Timing with Silicon Photomultipliers at the CMS detector
Irene Dutta
6:30 PM
First Demonstration of LArTPC MeV-Scale Physics in ArgoNeuT
Ivan Lepetic
6:30 PM
Single $\pi^{0}$ production in semi-inclusive CC $\nu_{\mu}+CH$ interactions at Medium Energy in MINERvA
Roger Galindo Orjuela
6:30 PM
DUNE's Far Detector Photon Simulation
Beatriz Tapia Oregui
6:30 PM
Improving Magnetic Field Uniformity in the Muon g-2 Storage Ring
Rachel Osofsky
(University of Washington)
6:30 PM
Axion Dark Matter Detection using Superconducting Qubits
Ankur Agrawal
6:30 PM
Searching for Sterile Neutrino Oscillations with the PROSPECT Experiment
Pranava Teja Surukuchi
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
6:30 PM
Assembling, Installing, and Calibrating The PROSPECT Short-Baseline Antineutrino Detector
6:30 PM
Simplifying the Sky: Mitigating Baryonic Effects in Cosmological Weak Lensing Measurements
Antigoni Georgiadou
(Florida State University)
6:30 PM
Comparing Electron Scattering Data to a Neutrino Event Generator
Afroditi Papadopoulou
(Graduate Student MIT)
6:30 PM
Design and Production of the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter Mockup Modules
Kamal Lamichhane
(Texas Tech University)
6:30 PM
Q-method Analysis for the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
Fang Han
(University of Kentucky)
6:30 PM
Modelling Curvilinear Fields for Beam Dynamics in the E989 Muon g-2 Storage Ring
Alexander Herrod
6:30 PM
Measurement of the muon anomalous precession frequency using lead fluoride calorimeters in the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment
Kim Siang Khaw
(University of Washington)
6:30 PM
First Measurement of Monoenergetic Muon Neutrino Charged Current Interactions
Rory Fitzpatrick