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18–19 Jun 2018
Fermilab, Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

DUNE in 10 minutes

19 Jun 2018, 12:00
One West (Fermilab, Wilson Hall)

One West

Fermilab, Wilson Hall

Oral Presentation SBN & DUNE


Laura Gomez bermeo


The DUNE Science Collaboration is currently made up of over 1500 collaborators from 175 institutions (60% non-US) in 31 countries (35% of developing countries) plus CERN. The aim of this research program is to discover some of the greatest mysteries of the universe; origin of matter, unification of forces, black holes formation, among others. This project has a cooperative structure of consortia, working groups, task forces, boards and committees who have been working academically and administratively on the different key areas such as physics research, development of the detectors and prototypes, coordination of interfaces, and data analysis. One of the main objectives of this experiment is to motivate young people into science; leaders and members of the experiment, are very encouraging with younger members. On the other hand, this experiment goes beyond the experimental and practical outcomes in developing countries such as Colombia. This experiment is providing us with opportunities for doing science in our country, promoting progress, engaging new generations of Colombians and placing science on the political agenda.

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