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18–19 Jun 2018
Fermilab, Wilson Hall
US/Central timezone

Supernova Neutrino Detection Efficiencies in DUNE

19 Jun 2018, 12:15
One West (Fermilab, Wilson Hall)

One West

Fermilab, Wilson Hall

Oral Presentation SBN & DUNE


Mr Logan Clutch Jackson Rice (Northern Illinois University)


The DUNE Single Phase Far Detector will be sensitive to neutrinos from supernova neutronization bursts from within the Milky Way. In order to fully reconstruct these interactions, signals from the charge collection system need to be correctly matched to signals from the photon detection system. The challenge is to distinguish flashes of light produced by low energy supernova neutrinos from those produced by trace radioactive decays within the liquid argon. Currently there are multiple potential designs of the photon detection system that deliver different flash matching capabilities. This presentation is an analysis and comparison of the flash matching capabilities of different detector schemes.

Primary author

Mr Logan Clutch Jackson Rice (Northern Illinois University)

Presentation materials