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14 May 2018
US/Central timezone

Participant List

22 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alberto Marchionni Fermilab
Alec Habig Univ. of Minnesota Duluth
Christos Touramanis University of Liverpool
David Christian Fermilab
David Newbold University of Bristol / Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Eric James Fermi National Accelerator Lab
Ernesto Kemp University of Campinas - UNICAMP
Hajime Muramatsu University of Minnesota
Inés Gil-Botella CIEMAT Madrid
James Stewart BNL
Jaroslav Zalesak Institute of Physics, Prague
Juergen Reichenbacher South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Manhong Zhao Physics Department, BNL
Marco Verzocchi Fermilab
Mohammed Elrafih Directorate
Peter Sutcliffe University of Liverpool
Ronald Poling University of Minnesota
Roxanne Guénette Harvard University
Stephen Magill Argonne National Laboratory
Takuya Hasegawa KEK
Theresa Shaw FNAL
Ting Miao FNAL