Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

14 June 2018
US/Central timezone

Scientific Programme

The workshop is targeted for Production and Offline Coordinators from all experiments. Topics will include:

• HEPCloud updates and timeline for production operations

• Container and Singularity build machines for experiments and private container registry

• POMS 3_1: new features overview: workflow editor, performance and documentation improvements

• CVMFS new features: improving publishing performance, cvmfs availability on HPC, CVMFS use for analyzer code distribution.

• CI status and new features including Support for multiple CI Validation workflows and results visualization improvements

      • Support for validation plots comparison against reference data

      • Support for code memory/runtime profiling

• Scientific Linux Systems Engineering (SLSE) Services overview

• Updates to PostgreSQL Database access and performance for offline software

• dCache improvements including 3rd party transfers using HTTP(s) and Xrootd

• Offline Monitoring in Landscape topics: access to Kibana, dashboards customizations, and how to request them

• New Data Management infrastructure with Rucio - demonstration timeline and requirements development

• Ifbeam and Conditional databases improvements and infrastructure

• Improvement to Service Now forms and integration of user registration and other topics within FERRY