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21–24 Aug 2018
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone

Magnetic shielding and source-mass characterization in the ARIADNE axion experiment

22 Aug 2018, 13:40
LVOC - Yosemite Room (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

LVOC - Yosemite Room

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

7000 East Ave L-780, Livermore, CA 94550


Ms Chloe Lohmeyer (Northwestern University)


The Axion Resonant InterAction Detection Experiment (ARIADNE) collaboration will search for the QCD axion using a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance based technique where the axion acts as a mediator of spin-dependent forces between an unpolarized Tungsten source mass and a sample of polarized helium-3 gas. The experiment relies on limiting ordinary magnetic noise with superconducting magnetic shielding as well as a stable rotary system to modulate the axion-signal from the source mass. Updates on thin-film superconducting shielding, rotating source mass characterization, and progress on the experiment will be discussed.

Primary author

Ms Chloe Lohmeyer (Northwestern University)


For the ARIADNE Collaboration (Northwestern University)

Presentation materials