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The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method will be removed on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 5PM CST. See news for more details.

23–24 Aug 2018
Argonne - Bldg 240
US/Central timezone
High Energy Physics experiments continue to become more data and simulation intensive. There is an expected factor of ten gap (or more) between projected computing needs for HL-LHC experiments and projected growth of current HEP resources. In the US, High Performance Computing resources are going to be growing by more than an order of magnitude by 2021/2022 with the deployment of the US DOE's first exascale supercomputers. These resources are already becoming an important piece of the HEP computing landscape and will continue to become more important.

One challenge of using leadership computing resources is reading and writing data in scalable ways that does not lead to bottlenecks or performance penalties on the shared filesystems. This Workshop aims to bring together leading IO experts in the HEP field with experts from DOE ASCR Facilities to discuss how to move forward in the next years to make HEP software more friendly to millions of parallel threads accessing files on shared disks.
Argonne - Bldg 240
1404, 1405, 1406 & 1407
9700 Cass Ave, Lemont, IL 60439
We intend to have this be registration free with lunches provided. Will post details of getting an Argonne ID setup.