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9–11 Dec 2018
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

Development of fast-timing MCP-PMT/LAPPD for particle identification

10 Dec 2018, 12:00
Rhode Island Convention Center

Rhode Island Convention Center

One Sabin Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903 United States
Oral Presentation Photodetectors Parallel Session: Photodetectors


Dr Junqi Xie (ANL)


Particle IDentification (PID) is fundamental to nuclear and particle physics experiments. Fast-timing MCP-PMTs are ideal candidate for PID sensors if the price is affordable. We report detailed design, fabrication and characterization of Argonne 6 × 6 cm$^2$ fast timing photodetectors based on next-generation microchannel plates (MCP). The whole assembly is made of low-cost borosilicate glass materials and hermetically sealed with a bialkali photocathode in a vacuum. The flexible photodetector design provides the potential of modifying individual components as well as the entire configuration to fit for different applications. Recently, low-cost, large area pico-second photodetector (LAPPD$^{TM}$), which shares the similar design as Argonne MCP-PMT was successfully commercialized by our collaborator Incom, Inc. Efforts were devoted to modify the standard configuration of the LAPPD$^{TM}$, and to validate the performance on Argonne 6 × 6 cm$^2$ MCP-PMTs. Experiment results show great improvement of the detector’s timing resolution and magnetic field tolerance, providing strong potential for PID applications. Results on high voltage, magnetic field strength and angle dependence will be presented in detail.

Primary author

Dr Junqi Xie (ANL)


Dr Edward May (Argonne National Lab HEP) Lei Xia (ANL) Marcel Demarteau (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Robert Wagner (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials