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9–11 Dec 2018
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

ArgonCube: Novel R&D for LArTPCs

11 Dec 2018, 11:22
553A (Rhode Island Convention Center)


Rhode Island Convention Center

One Sabin Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903 United States
Oral Presentation Nobel Element Detectors Parallel Session: Noble Element Detectors


Dr Dan Dwyer (LBNL)


ArgonCube is an international collaboration for LArTPC Detector R&D, with a focus on the technical needs for the DUNE physics program. The ArgonCube R&D program is currently aimed on detector modularization, pixelated charge readout, and innovative light detection for large LArTPCs. Modularization addresses a number of technical issues for large LArTPCs, including drift field stability, stored energy, and liquid argon purity. Pixelated readout has proven to deliver true 3D imaging of particle interactions, removing the ambiguities present for existing readout techniques. New approaches to light detection enable increased photon yields and provide improved localization of scintillation signals. The ArgonCube design has been adopted as the baseline LAr system for the DUNE Near Detector. The ArgonCube 2x2 Demonstrator, a 3-ton-active modular pixelated LArTPC, will serve as an engineering prototype for DUNE. It is currently under construction and will operate in the Fermilab NuMI neutrino beam in 2020.

Primary author

Dr Dan Dwyer (LBNL)

Presentation materials