Review documentation
Technical Documentation
EDMS area for the Cold Electronics for the Single Phase TPC
Lessons learned from ProtoDUNE (see introduction, plus sections 2.3, 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8): DocDB-12367 [certificate link]
Interface document with the APA consortium: DocDB-6670 [certificate link]
Interface document with the facility ( see sections 1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3): DocDB-6973 [certificate link]
Current draft of the Cold Electronics TDR chapter: DocDB-11650 [certificate link] (the the vol-sp-ch-tpcelec.pdf file contains only the CE chapter, but has broken references to other chapters, the vol-sp.pdf file contains the entire Single Phase TPC TDR draft).
Other Documentation
ProtoDUNE Cold Electronics Review
ProtoDUNE CE Review Report (7/2016)