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IOTA BPM Technical Review

Oscillatorium WH13NW (Fermilab)

Oscillatorium WH13NW


Craig Drennan (Fermilab)

This technical review will present the requirements for the beam position measurements that are needed for the development and operation of the IOTA ring. It will present the details of the current beam position detector and the electronics and signal processing. It will review and make recommendation on the steps to take going forward.

The charge to the reviewers is to evaluate and make recommendations to how the following are being addressed and should be addressed going forward.

1. Understanding and documenting the requirements for the beam position measurement and the expected beam intensity, structure, and timing.

2. Providing detector, electronics, and signal processing designs and equipment adequate to satisfy the needs of the IOTA research program this year.

3. Documenting the remaining design and commissioning steps and expected schedule needed to reach the measurement performance outlined in the requirements?

Presenters:   Aleksandr Romanov, Nathan Eddy, John Diamond

Reviewers:   Daniel Broemmelsiek, Valeri Lebedev, Peter Prieto, Greg Saewert, Manfred Wendt

** Reviewers comments are available for download under "Materials" below.

  • Aleksandr Romanov
  • Craig Drennan
  • Daniel Broemmelsiek
  • Greg Saewert
  • John Diamond
  • Manfred Wendt
  • Nathan Eddy
  • Peter Prieto
  • Valeri Lebedev
    • 09:00 09:10
      Setup and Introductions 10m
      Speaker: Mr Craig Drennan
    • 09:10 09:40
      Requirements and the Experimental Needs of IOTA 30m
      Speaker: Mr Aleksandr Romanov (Fermilab)
    • 09:40 10:20
      IOTA BPM Detector and Signal Processing Design 40m
      Speaker: Dr Nathan Eddy (Fermilab)
    • 10:20 10:40
      Front-End Data Processing 20m
      Speaker: Mr John Diamond
    • 10:40 10:50
      Break 10m
    • 10:50 11:10
      Proposed Additions and Modifications to the Design 20m
      Speaker: Dr Nathan Eddy (Instrumentation)
    • 11:10 12:00
      Questions and Discussion