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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

KamLAND2-Zen: Design and status

Not scheduled


Spencer Axani (MIT)


The KamLAND-Zen program has recently set the worlds most stringent limit on neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ), being the first experiment excluding a half-life less than 10$^{26}$ years at the 90% C.L. The next push will be to upgrade the detector hardware, increase the amount of dissolved xenon gas, and update the readout system in order to probe the full inverted hierarchy region. This is KamLAND2-Zen. This poster elaborates on the status of the upgrade with specific emphasis on the streaming readout system, which aims to utilize a powerful RF-ADC and FGPA system on a chip, the Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ RFSoC.


The KamLAND-Zen program looks towards the future with KamLAND2-Zen.

Experiment/Collaboration KamLAND

Primary author


Dr Koji Ishidoshiro (Tohoku University) Mr Kosuke Nakamura (Tohoku University) Prof. Lindley Winslow (MIT)

Presentation materials