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June 22, 2020 to July 2, 2020
US/Central timezone

matter vs vacuum oscillations at long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiments

Not scheduled


Prof. Sankagiri Umasankar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)


The neutrino oscillation probabilities at the long baseline accelerator neutrino experiments are
expected to be modified by matter effects. We search for evidence of such modification in the data
of T2K and NOνA, by fitting the data to the hypothesis of (a) matter modified oscillations and (b)
vacuum oscillations. We find that vacuum oscillations provide as good a fit to the data as matter
modified oscillations. Even an extended run of these experiments, with 5 years in neutrino mode
and 5 years in anti-neutrino mode, can not make a 3 σ distinction between vacuum and matter
modified oscillations. DUNE, by itself, can rule out vacuum oscillations at $5~\sigma$ with one year neutrino run if the hierarchy is NH. For IH, one needs to add the data of T2K and
NOvA to ten years of DUNE data to obtain $5~\sigma$ exclusion of vacuum oscillations.


Distinction between vacuum and matter modified oscillations at
accelerator neutrino experiments.

Primary author

Prof. Sankagiri Umasankar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)


Dr Suman Bharti (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) Dr Ushak Rahaman (University of Johannesburg)

Presentation materials