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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Seeing the Invisible: Benefits and Capabilities of MeV-Scale Reconstruction in Single-Phase LArTPCs

Not scheduled


Ivan Lepetic (Illinois Institute of Technology)


The recent demonstration of MeV-scale reconstruction capabilities in liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs) allows for a variety of new physics studies. We examine the benefits of MeV-scale reconstruction in single-phase LArTPCs, in particular on supernova neutrino reconstruction, a major goal of DUNE. We also explore the utility of MeV-scale reconstruction for neutron calorimetry, particle identification and beyond the Standard Model physics. We find that these physics topics and reconstruction goals benefit from the addition of MeV-scale reconstruction information. We also examine the detector properties that limit these capabilities, including ${}^{39}$Ar contamination, pileup, and detector thresholding effects.


Why should we care about MeV-scale reconstruction in LArTPCs?

Primary author

Ivan Lepetic (Illinois Institute of Technology)


Mr Bryce Littlejohn (Illinois Institute of Technology) Whitmaur Castiglioni William Foreman (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials