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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Isotopic Dependence of Vapour Pressure in Xenon

Not scheduled


Prof. Caio Licciardi (Laurentian University)


The possible need of nearly 50 tonnes of 136Xe to search for neutrinoless double beta decay motivates an investigation of doing this enrichment using distillation. This requires a value for the vapour pressure isotopic effect (VPIE) of xenon. The main result of this work is a precise measurement of this VPIE using cryogenic distillation. The still is calibrated with argon and krypton. The VPIE dependence across all stable isotopes of the same element is found approximately linear and consistent with theoretical expectations.


We present a precise measurement of the vapour pressure isotopic effect of xenon for the first time.

Primary authors

Prof. Caio Licciardi (Laurentian University) Prof. David Sinclair (Carleton University)


Mrs Amal Alamre (Carleton University) Mr Brandon Death (Carleton University) Prof. Ibtesam Badhrees (Carleton University)

Presentation materials