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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

Search for nuclearites with ANTARES neutrino Telescope

Not scheduled


Mr Mohammed Bouta (PMR Laboratory)


Nuclearites are hypothetical heavy particles composed of comparable number of up, down and strange quarks derived from the Witten’s theory of strange quark matter (SQM). The ANTARES neutrino telescope is sensitive to the passage in the detector of nuclearites within a defined range of masses and velocities.

We are conducting a search for these particles for masses ranging from $10^{14}$ GeV/$c^{2}$ to $10^{17}$ GeV/$c^{2}$, with galactic velocities $\beta\sim10^{-3}$ in the ANTARES data taken from 2009 to 2011. The corresponding study and the derived sensitivities will be presented.


Search for nuclearites with ANTARES neutrino Telescope using data taken from 2009 to 2011.

Experiment/Collaboration ANTARES

Primary author

Mr Mohammed Bouta (PMR Laboratory)


Prof. Abdelilah Moussa (PMRL) Prof. Gabriela Pavalas (ISS) Prof. Juergen Brunner (CPPM) Prof. Yahya Tayalati (Rabat)

Presentation materials