22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

“Prospects of Neutrino Cross Section Measurements Using the NuMI off axis at ICARUS”

Not scheduled


Bruce Howard Ryan Howell


ICARUS, a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber, will serve as the Far Detector of the short-
baseline neutrino program using the Booster beamline at Fermilab. It is 103 mrad off-axis of the
NuMI beamline. Prospects for cross-section measurements and the status of the trigger system using
the PMT system to collect electron and muon neutrinos from NuMI will be shown. Accurate
neutrino cross-section measurements on argon are required for precise measurements of neutrino
oscillation physics such as CP- violation and the ordering of the neutrino masses.


Preliminary reports of the ICARUS trigger system from simulation.

Experiment/Collaboration ICARUS

Primary authors

Presentation materials