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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
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STRAW and STRAW-b: Pathfinder missions for P-ONE, a new neutrino telescope in the Pacific ocean

Not scheduled


Mr Andreas Gaertner (University of Alberta)


The P-ONE experiment proposes a new neutrino telescope off the shore of British Columbia, which will allow us to search for astrophysical neutrino sources.
To overcome the challenges of a deep-sea installation, we are developing prototype mooring lines in collaboration with Ocean Networks Canada, which provides the infrastructure for various Oceanographic instruments.
The STRAW mooring lines were deployed in June 2018, and provide continuous monitoring of optical water properties at a new possible detector site in the Pacific.
Their successor STRAW-b, to be deployed in the next Ocean Networks Canada deployment cycle, will complement the measurements of STRAW, and test new engineering and deployment strategies, scalable for a larger setup with up to one hundred mooring lines.
We will give an overview of the two pathfinder missions, their construction, deployment, and present first results.


We present two prototype experiments for a future neutrino telescope in the Pacific Ocean (P-ONE).

Experiment/Collaboration P-ONE Collaboration

Primary author

Mr Andreas Gaertner (University of Alberta)

Presentation materials