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22 June 2020 to 2 July 2020
US/Central timezone

The CHANDLER Reactor Neutrino Detector

Not scheduled


Mr Tulasi Subedi (Virginia Tech)


CHANDLER is an antineutrino detection technology based on plastic scintillating cubes. We deployed our prototype MiniCHANDLER detector 25 meters from a commercial nuclear reactor core for a four month run, and we observed a significant inverse beta decay signal with no overburden and minimal shielding. This poster will discuss the technology and present the technical details of data analysis and result from this prototype deployment.


Observation of reactor antineutrinos with a rapidly-deployable surface-level detector

Primary authors

Prof. Alireza Haghighat (Virginia Tech) Dr Jaewon Park (Virginia Tech) Prof. Jonathan Link (Virginia Tech) Prof. Patrick Huber (Virginia Tech) Shengchao Li (Virginia Tech) Mr Tulasi Subedi (Virginia Tech) Mr Walkup Keegan (Virginia Tech)

Presentation materials